intresting thread.
my absolute #1 ultimate turn on is a girl with short jet black straight hair with bangs. (china doll-esque look). im not into blondes because so many have the same cliche' look. it bores me. even jenna jameson has no effect on me. i do have a turn on for aurora snow who doesnt fit this critera. of course some of it may be due to the fact i knew her before she became aurora, but actually she reminds me of an ex girlfriend (who ended up cutting her identical looking hair to short, black, and straight with bangs.)
of course then again, one of my best girlfriends and sex was a blonde, at times platinum, but eventually she ended up cutting and doing her hair black, short, and straight with bangs. but looked fine before. (better after) so i guess, aurora is out of the usual for me. keiko (the white one) had me going for a short time as well. shes usually blondeish.