John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, and Sean Connery come to mind right away.(Connery for more of a suave factor)
and how the hell has the Fonz NOT been mentioned yet? (where is Roald hiding at?)
I guess it was more his one character than the actor, but it still applies.
I have a real hard time thinking of anyone from "current" mainstream right now. I don't think it is so much a knock on them as it is that our perspectives have changed. Emotions, charisma, etc are more of a consideration now than back in the day. Before you could just kick ass and look good doing it with a snazzy one-liner here and there, but now. . . I still think its cool, but i think more is expected from that leading male role.
"John Wayne was a faggot!"
:rofl: sorry, couldn't resist! I think the guy was a bad-ass! That was just a line from a fucked up movie i saw somewhat recently!