* Who is this African-American Goddess? *

Stumbled across this beauty and wondered if anyone knew who she is. Any help is greatly appreciated...

i c it now. must have re posted it. it was that annoying 'this video or image violates rules' blah blah.

looks familar

Connor Macleod

Staff member
I don't see it... :mad:

I wish the mods would just go ahead and put PhotoBucket, ImageShack, and a few other hosts on the banned list, so people would stop using those damn sites. ImageEarn, ImageHaven, ImageBam, ImageVenue, Pimp&Host and Hotchyx seem to be the only image-hosts that are reliable.
Sorry about the Photobucket issue, fellas. Thought we'd have gotten an answer before they chanced upon it.

Thanks for the additional pic post fkknuckle -- greatly appreciated.