As most here seem to agree,I also think it`s Jenna Jameson.
She`s just so boring to watch on films as she`s never really turned on an lets it show.She makes it very obvious that she thinks it`s just a job and damn boring one to be there hustling in front of camera and she would much rather be somewhere else.But as she is considered to be a porn star and she`s making pretty good money out of it,then maybe she could even bother to try and act that she actually wanted to be there doing what she does.
Another one is
Britney Skye.I know that they are just doing their job and most pornstars aren`t probably turned on on their films,at least usually,but at least they manage to
look like they are turned on and want to be there doing it.But Jenna just looks like she`s doing it because she have to and Britney is laughing and smiling to camera crew like the filming was just some joke they are making and you,the viewer,never get an impression there is any kind of passion or lust in the game from the girls part.To me Britney looks like she
wants everybody to know that she isn`t really turned on but just joking.And that`s not what I want to see when I watch porn.