Socialist simply means working together.
As mentioned elsewhere that includes the military and the police , the border guards , public schools and so on.
Although I have always voted against socialism in the UK I treat it like alcohol-a lot of it and it's bad news , depend on it it's bad news but if used wisely it enhances life quality.Such things as free healthcare give tremendous freedom from anxiety-does it matter if a few people abuse it or don't pay their share? No because what really matters if it's there when I need it.
Well lets put it this way, I don't want to let myself starve, die, become homeless, or loose everything I have. If for some reason I can't find a way to maintain a reasonable standard of life despite my best and honest efforts do so through normal available means, and I have no social programs to fall back on can I just kill you and people like you and take what I need from you and them? Shouldn't that then be allowed, along with also being able to then kill everybody else that put me in the situation I'm in like politicians and businessmen that put me there and also the people that supported their polices? Shouldn't that then be made a legal option for me then?
Now,....if that doesn't seem like a very good thing to have occurring all around, than maybe we should have social programs that make it so people don't have to resort to that, now shouldn’t we? Even more than that, we should do our ethical and moral duty to our fellow countrymen to support them when they can't reasonably support themselves. In any case, one way or another, when it comes down to it, I bet a lot of people aren't going to sit back and wait for themselves to waste way. Why should they?
So the OP isn't just asking for the elimination of the things you mentioned, but of society itself...
I guess it's obvious that I do not wish the US to fall in a state of uncontrolable anarchy, so I voted no. BTW, I'm from outside of the US.
I say keep government out of health, businesses, and our homes!
They simply do not need to have control over everything! The automobile industries were doing very well until government had to step in and tell them what to do. Now look where they are, and that abhorrent cash for clunkers program.
Housing was simple until government came in and told banks to make sure poor people can buy homes way out of their price range. So if someone came in wanting a loan for a house, they had to give it, because it was only faaaairrr they should have a house like the people who could actually afford them! Now look at it: foreclosures.
Government getting into schools. Well, take a look at public (government) schools now. They are shitty as can be! Not to mention government indoctrinate classes; rather truly educational.
All these hiked up taxes, taking more and more money out of the pockets of working citizens; mainly for programs for people who do not work and/or government or their government funded programs that aren't worth a damn!
And people actually want them involved in our health care system!? Yeah, they really have a good track record of succeeding.
American people [at least the working Americans] are being screwed royally by all these stupid government handouts, helpings, and programs!
They up minimum wage, which involves having to lay off a couple of employees to meet the increase wage payouts for the rest. Thus that puts people out of work. Ups the price of the merchandise to make sure can meet the higher pay.
Most programs the government put into action just hikes up taxes to either keep it continuing or make up for loss after it failed.
Homeowners pay for it dearly in many areas due to increase of the taxes to fund most of these dumb government programs they develop for bums, junkies, and breeders. Oh, and illegals.
Government needs to take a few steps back and leave things alone! Let the people who know what they are doing run it; we been doing well all this time, don't need help from big brother.
whimsy said:I say keep government out of health, businesses, and our homes!
They simply do not need to have control over everything! The automobile industries were doing very well until government had to step in and tell them what to do. Now look where they are, and that abhorrent cash for clunkers program.
Housing was simple until government came in and told banks to make sure poor people can buy homes way out of their price range. So if someone came in wanting a loan for a house, they had to give it, because it was only faaaairrr they should have a house like the people who could actually afford them! Now look at it: foreclosures.
Government getting into schools. Well, take a look at public (government) schools now. They are shitty as can be! Not to mention government indoctrinate classes; rather truly educational.
All these hiked up taxes, taking more and more money out of the pockets of working citizens; mainly for programs for people who do not work and/or government or their government funded programs that aren't worth a damn!
And people actually want them involved in our health care system!? Yeah, they really have a good track record of succeeding.
American people [at least the working Americans] are being screwed royally by all these stupid government handouts, helpings, and programs!
They up minimum wage, which involves having to lay off a couple of employees to meet the increase wage payouts for the rest. Thus that puts people out of work. Ups the price of the merchandise to make sure can meet the higher pay.
Most programs the government put into action just hikes up taxes to either keep it continuing or make up for loss after it failed.
Homeowners pay for it dearly in many areas due to increase of the taxes to fund most of these dumb government programs they develop for bums, junkies, and breeders. Oh, and illegals.
Government needs to take a few steps back and leave things alone! Let the people who know what they are doing run it; we been doing well all this time, don't need help from big brother.
megahott said:Could you expand on this a little? The only way this statement makes sense to me is that it is a sentence you have had hanging round since 1968 or something and you've spotted a chance to get rid of it by slipping it into this reply, hoping that the readers are half comatose from looking arguing about dwarf porn or some such to notice.
I just saw some more Medicare and Social Security (age) recipients screaming about "socialism" on TV. I always get a kick out of that.
[/I] :helpme:
elimate no.
Reduce immensely yes.
Not for seniors who mostly contributed all their lives, or to handiicapped people.
but to able bodied people.
I think perhaps some of you don't realize the percentage of the adult population
living off the system. I'd say its about 25%. and about 35% pay no federal tax.
But theres a catch.
They live off the system by having more and more kids,and most of their kids grow up and do the same
while the people paying for them
have less and less kids....... and the system is beginning to collapse..
Its the camels back theory.
We are experienced the early stages of it now.
But hey, its for the children right?
just keep working people and say nothing.......until its too late.
no man, they paid into that all their lives. those things are not handouts.
the gov robbed them for 50 years and is giving them back peanuts.
fuck i gotta be 72 before i can even collect. its in the b4est interest of the gov for you to die
right before retirement age.
ok, i understand.
its only 2 different spouses can't collect off of one decesed.
and if the deceased paid in and is now dead, shouldn't his next of kin get it? or uncle sam just pocket it?
ss is socialistic i suppose, but it was intended as an insurance, a forced insurance. way back when almost everybody had dignity and wanted to work.
when the republicans tried to make a law saying you can choose to invest your ss in private investments instead, the dems killed it.
why? because it would collapse because too many people who never paid in (not spouses) collect it in one form or another. one might say the democratic base.
but its gonna collaspe anyway so might as well suck as much as possible from the working until then.
I was at a ss office in florida, the senior capital of the world, expecting to see a bunch of old folks it was instead filled with young chics with kids.
its had and still has me baffled.
I'm saying there is a difference betwen ss where most who collect paid in throughout their lives and general welfare where people who contribute nothing sit on their asses and get paid.
and if socialism is taking from one who earned it and giving it to another who didn't then to me that is evil.
To FOX NEWS viewers, "socialist" is equivalent to "benevolent"
YES! to social justice!