A perfect 10 for me?
Let's do a Folger's taste test..
Seeing as how I already popped one off 10 minutes ago...
/opens pix and vid folder to see what gives the magic tingle
Alphabetically: (Celeb folder first, cuz C)
Miley Cyrus
Sarah Silverman
Amai Liu
Jericha Jem
Kobe Tai
Camilla Creampie
Emily WInters
Arby Daor
Jackie Hoff
Melody Mynx
Jattine (ao30)
Susana Cabrera
Talya Zorrento
White: ClubCindy
Abbey/Violetta Storms
Naughty Alysha
I suppose that about does it. Each one of those could shift me back up to 4th gear on an empty tank.
Each is a 10 in a distinct way. One for mature, one for asian, etc etc