Who has the WORST boobjob you have seen?


Staff member
Nightfly said:
she is nice. real ugly boobs are the case of chelsea charms, anneke, lolo ferrari,zena fulsom and her sister as well as chloe jones.

colt 45, minka, xxxena, crystal storm, java deville, chloe vivrier, cindy cupps, sarena lee, tiffany towers and other many big boobed babes are quite nice babes for the mega big boob lovers. I like penelope black diamond she is great.


georges said:
she is nice. real ugly boobs are the case of chelsea charms, anneke, lolo ferrari,zena fulsom and her sister as well as chloe jones.

colt 45, minka, xxxena, crystal storm, java deville, chloe vivrier, cindy cupps, sarena lee, tiffany towers and other many big boobed babes are quite nice babes for the mega big boob lovers. I like penelope black diamond she is great.

Yeah, I agree. I think Tanya Danielle's are fine. But each to his/her own. Yeah, the last ones you mentioned are great. PBD is awesome. Too bad they aren't just a little bit softer looking. But what a figure.

Actually I would say Francine Dee. Her boobs don't look that bad. But the nipple placement was just too high. ANd it is such a shame because I like her face and figure and breasts (otherwise ) SO much. I still like her breasts. They are so close together. Often, the breasts are so far apart that they don't look as good. But hers are just stuffed against each other. If those nipples were just a little farther down. And if the breasts were a touch (and I mean a touch) softer. She would be near perfection to me.

As you can see. I could talk/type all day about very, big breasted women.


Staff member
like my sig says: in terms of boobies bigger is better :boobies::rolleyes::boobies:
I know some people are gonna hate me for saying this, and I certainly don't mean to offend her, because I know she posts here.

This is just my opinion, and she certainly isn't the worst after all the pics I've seen in this thread, but I don't really like Crissy Moran's boob job. They just look awkwardly shaped, imo. Other than that, she's still a beautiful and HOT woman.

Again, sorry, don't mean to offend her. That's just my :2 cents:
There are dozens to choose from, although I try not to offend my eyes by looking at any of them.

That Chelsea Charms is monstrous and needs puncturing. Lolo Ferrari (God rest her) was rather gruesome as well. And then there's that awful Oriental woman with the massive balloons who's been photographed at AVN Expos and such over the last few years and, I presume, may have a site of her own. Don't know HER name and don't want to.

These are the only ones I can think of right now - I need to go and lie down for a bit. :(


9inch said:
wow :eek:
could it be real ?? where did she find that :rolleyes:

Yeah. I LOVE really big boobs. But even I think that is ridiculous.

And it's not like she is ugly or anything. SHe could have made money without them I am quite sure. I guess she just got bad advice.
I think she got those from the supermarket. They're called watermelons. Some correspondence school "surgeon" then shoved them in her chest.

Disgusting, IMHO
meh, they are horrible but there are worse out there in the world

and there are more thing that are horrible that i have seen :)