Who got laid for New Year's?


best thing:
f**ing from one year into the other :D


Has anybody ever "got caught" in bed with your young squeeze of the nite (You 18 She 16 years old) at about 11 AM New Years Day, when you were still living under your parents roof ?

Knock knock :door opens:

Mum sees two woosy heads pop up. Mum says . . . oh . . . uh Happy New Year ! and closes the door.

OMFG ! Is it that late already ? :1orglaugh

I won't say how many years ago that one was.
Scary long time ago, seems like 4 years ago. ~
I didnt get any but I did get fuckerd up and tackle a trashcan.

That's fuckin' hilarious. I've tackled and uprooted some trees before. And like someone else mentioned getting laid from one year to another is always great; two years in a row for me now. Talk about starting the year off with a bang!
Nah I didn't on NYE... got home at 6 and passed out as soon as I hit the bed... woke up a couple hours later with my girl and the deed was done then though :D
nooooope, i had fun with friends and family, and went to bed with the wife, but were both very exhausted and tipsy come 3:30am