Who do you think of...

... or what comes to your mind when you hear this?

I think of that scene in the Mike Myers movie "So I Married an Axe Murderer" where the bag pipe guy passes out.

"We have a Piper down. A piper is down!"
First thing that comes into my mid is....."William Wallace"

"They may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!"


Closed Account
Reminds me of John F. Kennedy (the same as it did at my dads funeral) and the first time I can remember seeing a TV special on his life. I thought he was Scottish and that's why they dressed like that. My dad set me straight fast about that with one of his long speeches. *children think the darnedest things*

It also reminds me that life is fleeting, none of us are here forever.



Member, you member...
I think it was cool but the song they played could've been, like, Scottish.
If I know the tune to bagpipes playing, then it's not Scottish. lol