Who are these two?


Closed Account!
I posted the first girl in a thread called "I think I found a new babe", never got a name for her. The second girl is a DDFPROD girl. I don't think you'll find a full name for her, and chances are that you will only find more pics of her from their sites...1ByDay.com, and Hotlegsandfeet.com. Go to those sites, and look in their libraries for a first name.

WWFallon said:

Your dream girls name is Brittany. She as using the name Brittany Stone for a short time but then found out it was not a good idea. Right now she's just using Brittany.


Not to spam but Hungarian Honeys has 10 photo sets of her.
4 Hardcore
3 Lesbian
3 Solo

Last communication was that she was going to stop doing hardcore. That often changes and YES she's a cutie.
Moby is right I think. I thought it was brittany Stone at first, and after reading his post I was more convinced.

Thsi is a link to Mikes Apartment galleries - this girl is down as being called 'Silke', but when I first saw it I thought it was Brittany aswell. Check out a number of pics, as on some she looks nothing like Ms.Stone, and on others she bears much more than a passing resemblence.


Some people have difficulty with dialers and shit with these Paysite previews links, others say they dont show up at all. They work for me though, so try it out.
Thanks WWFallow! Wonderfull! Were is this pictures in Gallerys?


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