who are the worst comedians?

here's my bottom 5:
dane cook (although his first HBO special was funny)
jimmy fallon
bill engvall
bob saget
Sarah Silverman
I can safely say I hate Dane Cook more than anyone else, MUCH more. I don't think Jerry Seinfeld's stand up shit is good, but I can't say I dislike him at all because I love the show.
That bald fella on 'Mock the Week' who's always on Russell Howard's side.
my next bottom 5:
demetri martin
katt williams
pauly shore
michael richards
any singing comedian or ventriloquist
Naw, Dara's pretty funny from time to time (even if he does talk over the others a lot).

I mean the one that's got a goatee and irritatingly over-enunciates every word while gurning at people expectantly in the hope of a pity laugh.
Naw, Dara's pretty funny from time to time (even if he does talk over the others a lot).

I mean the one that's got a goatee and irritatingly over-enunciates every word while gurning at people expectantly in the hope of a pity laugh.

Oh him, now I know who you're talking about. Andy Parsons.


Sarah Silverman made your list? Hmm.

I think she's the only funny female in the history of women.

And that stand up were she talks about Pamela Andersons asshole for a few minutes turns me on every time.
bob saget is a great comedian. so is sarah silverman. their shows all sucked ass, but their standup is gold.

dane cook is fucking awful.

seth rogan...definitely not funny.
all of those idiot blue collar comedy guys are fucking stupid and if you like them you need a helmet.

speaking of the blue collar comedy guys, david cross wrote a letter to the cable guy or whatever that fucks name is, basically ripping him apart. if i can find it i will post it
Here are the comics I HATE!!!
1. Jim Carrey--complete shitard
2. Ray Romano--complete shitard
3. Adam Sandler--complete douchebag, though a genius on SNL....
4. Andy Dick--sorry, I just don't "get him"
5. Seth Rogan--so little talent, so few laughs...just fatness is all he has?

The Geniuses of Comedy
1. Jack Black
2. John Stewart
3. Lewis Black
4. Bill Mahrer
5. Tina Fey