who are the richest female pornstar?

Danni Ashe touts herself as the "most downloaded woman in porn" due to all the hits she gets on her popular website. She probably rakes it in, since her site is quite good and has a lot of members.

I'm not sure that really counts since the majority of people are looking at pictures of other porn stars, plus Ashe isn't a porn star. Yeah, she's done photo shoots and vids, but she's never had intercourse with a dude on camera. She's the equivalent of a Penthouse pet.
Danni Ashe retired from the adult business 2 years ago. She made a few million dollars and sold out her shares in her company which is owned by Penthouse now.

If there is a rich porn star, it's most likely Jenna Jameson. During her boom period in the late 90s, she must have been raking in 7 figures in website subscriptions alone. Not to mention her movie contracts and all the merchandise she sold associated with her name.

However, keep in mind, most porn stars don't make millions of dollars. Most of them either make a few thousand or a perhaps a low 6-figure amount before early retirement. Not everyone makes it big in that business and it grinds up and chews out a lot of them. I've noticed that 80 percent of the women you see in adult film or photo shoots do 2, 3, or 5 things for a few nice paychecks and then get out.
Danni Ashe retired from the adult business 2 years ago. She made a few million dollars and sold out her shares in her company which is owned by Penthouse now.

If there is a rich porn star, it's most likely Jenna Jameson. During her boom period in the late 90s, she must have been raking in 7 figures in website subscriptions alone. Not to mention her movie contracts and all the merchandise she sold associated with her name.

However, keep in mind, most porn stars don't make millions of dollars. Most of them either make a few thousand or a perhaps a low 6-figure amount before early retirement. Not everyone makes it big in that business and it grinds up and chews out a lot of them. I've noticed that 80 percent of the women you see in adult film or photo shoots do 2, 3, or 5 things for a few nice paychecks and then get out.

Actually, we have to specify what we're talking about and what we do and do not include?

Are we just talking about income from vids? Or vids and website subscriptions? Or everything including money made from escorting and dancing? the big money is made from dancing as the majority of it is "off the books" and not reported to the IRS.
I don't know about pornstars but I've discussed this with a few Playmates and it seems that running a website is quite a costly business. One PM with a big website tells me that it just pays for itself, and another listed her expenses from hosting fees,photographers, hire of locations , security scripting fees , credit card chargebacks and fees and time that could have been spent modelling commercially.I don't get the impression that most websites are goldmines unless they have the scope of those like Danni.com
I don't know about pornstars but I've discussed this with a few Playmates and it seems that running a website is quite a costly business. One PM with a big website tells me that it just pays for itself, and another listed her expenses from hosting fees,photographers, hire of locations , security scripting fees , credit card chargebacks and fees and time that could have been spent modelling commercially.I don't get the impression that most websites are goldmines unless they have the scope of those like Danni.com

And the websites who have folded.....I don't know how the world can exist without Letha Weapons' website...but anyway...
I don't know about pornstars but I've discussed this with a few Playmates and it seems that running a website is quite a costly business. One PM with a big website tells me that it just pays for itself, and another listed her expenses from hosting fees,photographers, hire of locations , security scripting fees , credit card chargebacks and fees and time that could have been spent modelling commercially.I don't get the impression that most websites are goldmines unless they have the scope of those like Danni.com

Yeah, hosting costs on a server can run upwards of $15,000 a month, and that's before you add in all the other costs.
I don't know about pornstars but I've discussed this with a few Playmates and it seems that running a website is quite a costly business. One PM with a big website tells me that it just pays for itself, and another listed her expenses from hosting fees,photographers, hire of locations , security scripting fees , credit card chargebacks and fees and time that could have been spent modelling commercially.I don't get the impression that most websites are goldmines unless they have the scope of those like Danni.com

I'd like to add to that.. the average Playmate/Pornstar/Nude Model looks well average. In sense that they don't have any special qualities that will separate them from their competitors.
If they are the average Playmate/Pornstar/Nude model aside from offering more content than their competitors the best way to bring home the bacon is to add their site to a network of similar sites than to go it alone.

Most customers want a lot of bang for their buck. While still being a part of single girl site, girl could make money as if she was apart of a multi girl site. So joining the network of sites would be an obvious choice. I don't think this holds true for all chicks, there are always exceptions.

Also doing more than just owning a website and doing porn will make a pornstar more money. Like private parties, web cam services, feature dancing or escorting. Even creating ones own content to cut out the middle man. Being able to be more than just a girl that fucks on camera will make one more money. So add all of those factors up and one should be able to figure out which pornstar has the most money. :2 cents:
hi thank you all for your asnwer.

i really want to know how much earn silvia saint. she has got her own website.

and of course one of the most beautiful face in the world ;p .

bye all