Who are the "Job Creators"?

Uh I think it's safe to say by now that,.................they ain't workin'.

Based on?

I mean, if a person is stricken with some bacterial infection and put on a month supply of antibiotics...should they expect to be better in a day? If not, it's proven that the stuff didn't work?
The job creators are called customers. When people want a product or service they will buy it. When the demands increases a business hires more works. When there is falling demand works are laid off or no more are hired. It’s the customer not the business owner that drives employment. Increasing demand is like pulling on a string. Given tax breaks to a business that is operating at less then full capacity is like pushing on a string. We been pushing on the string for over 30 years and it is obvious it does not work to increase jobs in the USA. If a business expands with no demand it’s a waste of resources for they do not necessarily come if you build it. Most capital created by tax cuts is invested at the highest rate of return which is China or hedge funds etc. It does nothing for the USA and jobs are created elsewhere in this global economy. I am a Keynesian with historic proof it works.
The most insulting thing the Fox Far Right has come up with lately. Heres to Rupert going to prison in England. Boycott Fox!!! It is a foreign run right wing corrupt non news pile of shit. Made in USA used to mean something. Let the revolution start now!!! Lets take back America one vote at a time!!!! All together now!!!!

Wake up!

Yea wake up! and take your meds. The democrats have a lot of problems(mostly compromising) but as far as what they do not working they havent had a chance to do anything! Every time they try to get a bill passed a huge argument over some bullshit like planned parenthood or the epa or some other federal program that has nothing to do with real issues.

You dont like the state of the country? Blame it on republicans because they have gotten everything they have wanted since they were voted into office last year. Just because obama is a democrat and president doesnt mean that he or democrats are making all the decisions or any for that matter.

Healthcare reform. Compromise

Tax Increases. Compromise

Debt Ceiling. Compromise

Bush Tax Cuts. Compromise

Stimulus. Compromise

Maybe if the dems and Obama could grow a pair and get something they want actually through it would shut people like you up.

John Boehner a republican just said that he got 98% of what he wanted with this debt ceiling hostage situation. Again I will repeat you and say WAKE UP. OR remain ignorant and believe/vote what is agaisnt your best interest.


Wake up!

I didn't expect an answer as I suspect you saw the construction beam aimed squarely at your noggin had you answered with what you're basing it on.

The job creators are called customers. When people want a product or service they will buy it. When the demands increases a business hires more works. When there is falling demand works are laid off or no more are hired. It’s the customer not the business owner that drives employment. Increasing demand is like pulling on a string. Given tax breaks to a business that is operating at less then full capacity is like pushing on a string. We been pushing on the string for over 30 years and it is obvious it does not work to increase jobs in the USA. If a business expands with no demand it’s a waste of resources for they do not necessarily come if you build it. Most capital created by tax cuts is invested at the highest rate of return which is China or hedge funds etc. It does nothing for the USA and jobs are created elsewhere in this global economy. I am a Keynesian with historic proof it works.


A business owner is in business to make money....not create jobs. Hiring is something a business succumbs to, not wants to do.