If Obama would create more jobs, they would cost the taxpayer more taxes.
It is not his job to create jobs.
He should tax companies higher that create jobs abroad and give breaks to companies that create jobs in the US
But the GOP won't go along with that, huh?
Who are these people the conservatives and their propaganda outlet Fox News calls "Job Creators"?:dunno:
Whether small, big or self employed.
The GOV is too involved and is fucking up the businesses, especially small.
Example: You want to become a house painter.
Well you need a license, bonds, permits, a ton of insurance, medical insurance for your helper, ect ect ect ect ect.
not only is all that very expensive its very time consuming.
before you have even started youre so far in the hole its not even worth it.
Just to paint a fucking house.
Then you got some flunkie inspector who's relative got him the job coming over failing and fining you left and right.
They make it so honest people who want to make an honest living just can't.
And that sucks.
The GOV is too involved and is fucking up the businesses, especially small.
In spite of all that torment, people and entities go into business all the time...make profits and actually flourish.
I have never heard of a business that played by the rules but went out of business because of the g'ment.
I have seen many drive themselves out of business because they didn't know what the hell they were doing or tried cheating on some level.
yeah but have you ever tried painting a house?
Everything the Dems have done to try and fix this mess have just made things worse. They're throwing anything/everything against the wall to see if it sticks.........and it ain't happening.