Who are the "Job Creators"?

You answered your own question. It is propaganda not facts. There are no "job creators" and when people do create jobs in this country there is a good chance that job will be in china or india. Congrats on your 1000 post.
They live among my dreams, ready to be unleashed, but unsure as to how to be released. HELP THEM! For you, for I, for America!


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
They are kind of like the Gurdians from the Green Lantern except they wear leisure suits.


As aserious answer, the Republicans/conservatives/FAUXNews/Rush Limbaugh types claim that the 'rich' are 'job creators, more or less as a way to claim that said people are currently so put upon trying to build up the economy which has been wrecked by those EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL liberals/Democrats/Commies/Barack Obama that they couldn't possibly pay even one cent more in taxes, in fact they shouldn't have to pay ANY taxes, in fact, the government should raise taxes on the poorest of the poor and just give that money directly to the rich.

Now, it is true that the rich seem to be buying more, as the NYTimes recently reported that sales of uber luxury/expensive items are on the rise and prices for said items have risen fairly dramatically, but that doesn't mean that any new jobs have been created as a result.

In fact the rich corporations have been and say they will continue to hold onto their profits and income and are refusing to use said money to hire people.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
If Obama would create more jobs, they would cost the taxpayer more taxes.

It is not his job to create jobs.

He should tax companies higher that create jobs abroad and give breaks to companies that create jobs in the US

But the GOP won't go along with that, huh?
If Obama would create more jobs, they would cost the taxpayer more taxes.

It is not his job to create jobs.

He should tax companies higher that create jobs abroad and give breaks to companies that create jobs in the US

But the GOP won't go along with that, huh?

Whoa, that actually makes sense and yeah, they'll still fight over this plan because right now it seems that these two groups just want to disagree with each other for the hell of it rather than do what's best for the US.
Well we know that what's been done by the Dems/Obama has failed to get any worthwhile jobs created. Keynesian economics which is the heart of the Dems eco policy is a proven failure.
Award for the easiest question of the year.

A. Consumers.

You don't have a (viable) business or reason for hiring support without someone to buy your shit...err good or service.


Hiliary 2020
Who are these people the conservatives and their propaganda outlet Fox News calls "Job Creators"?:dunno:

Whether small, big or self employed.

The GOV is too involved and is fucking up the businesses, especially small.

Example: You want to become a house painter.
Well you need a license, bonds, permits, a ton of insurance, medical insurance for your helper, ect ect ect ect ect.
not only is all that very expensive its very time consuming.
before you have even started youre so far in the hole its not even worth it.
Just to paint a fucking house.
Then you got some flunkie inspector who's relative got him the job coming over failing and fining you left and right.
They make it so honest people who want to make an honest living just can't.
And that sucks.
Whether small, big or self employed.

The GOV is too involved and is fucking up the businesses, especially small.

Example: You want to become a house painter.
Well you need a license, bonds, permits, a ton of insurance, medical insurance for your helper, ect ect ect ect ect.
not only is all that very expensive its very time consuming.
before you have even started youre so far in the hole its not even worth it.
Just to paint a fucking house.
Then you got some flunkie inspector who's relative got him the job coming over failing and fining you left and right.
They make it so honest people who want to make an honest living just can't.
And that sucks.

In spite of all that torment, people and entities go into business all the time...make profits and actually flourish.

I have never heard of a business that played by the rules but went out of business because of the g'ment.

I have seen many drive themselves out of business because they didn't know what the hell they were doing or tried cheating on some level.


Hiliary 2020
In spite of all that torment, people and entities go into business all the time...make profits and actually flourish.

I have never heard of a business that played by the rules but went out of business because of the g'ment.

I have seen many drive themselves out of business because they didn't know what the hell they were doing or tried cheating on some level.

yeah but have you ever tried painting a house?
Everything the Dems have done to try and fix this mess have just made things worse. They're throwing anything/everything against the wall to see if it sticks.........and it ain't happening.
yeah but have you ever tried painting a house?

No. I succeeded.:dunno:

BTW, what was the size of g'ment when u/e was 3 pct. during the Clinton years?

Just askin'

Everything the Dems have done to try and fix this mess have just made things worse. They're throwing anything/everything against the wall to see if it sticks.........and it ain't happening.

There was a girl that posts here who typically agrees with your likes....who finally made a reasonable statement in comparing the turning of an economy to that of a tanker, glacier or whatever.

I presume she saw light in that statement as the Reaganite she is in trying to defend Reagan but I suppose she didn't know that defense also extends to Obama.

Point is, you don't know if they're working or not. I know you have a philosophically vested interested in reiterating this (facts be damned) but by over a similar course of time for Reagan...it could be said what he was trying wasn't working if you just ante'd up at his 2.5 year mark.

You need Obama to fail otherwise you lose a philosophical talking point. Don't worry, GOPers and tea baggers will do all they can between now and '12 to stop the economy ....you'd better hope it works before they get tossed out on their asses...:o and good riddance.
I love how both sides bitch about the failures of the other political party.

Socialize or Free Marketize your own country until its' own people aren't miserable, getting less and less wealthy or disease riddled. Is it really that difficult? Stop being a dem or a repub and be a citizen.