Luke: "When did you get implants?"
Carmella: "About two years ago, I moved to Vegas from Portland. I was 197 pounds. In one year, I lost about 75 pounds. No drugs. I swam and did cardio. I ate nothing but fish. No carbs.
"I went from popping out of a DDD bra to wearing a DD bra, and even with the pads, I was still swimming in my bra. I was smaller than a DD and I was really self-conscious about it.
"I went into a doctor in Las Vegas and showed her a picture of Mercedez, who's totally gorgeous. I said, 'I want you to make me look like this.' She wanted to do a mastoplexy, which is the anchor scars. I said no. She did a 420cc saline implant over the muscle. The surgery was done in an hour. I felt great. I was invincible. I was driving two days later.
"I'm now a 34DDD. I don't plan on getting them redone for quite a while."