Who All In Here Hates There Job???


what the fuck you lookin at?
I think job by definition = underpayed and shit on daily!!!
but then again if work was fun they'd charge admission at the door!
I don't dislike my job but my boss is very aggravating. I am a full time student but for every second weekend I work as an Official Reff for the CXBL. I like the job except for my boss and getting shot at.
Legzman said:
I think job by definition = underpayed and shit on daily!!!
I've had excellent jobs when I used to be an employee for 3+ years. Then again, most of those were as an engineering in an engineering firm -- it's hard for people to BS their way through engineering with engineers. And any engineering company that uses non-engineers as managers doesn't last long.

But that was the '90s.

Today I've been doing technology for far too long. And the world is completely different there. You have a mis-mesh of accounting, business, marketing, technology and, if you're lucky, an occasional engineer whose managed to deal with them. So that's why I've done it as a consultant on fixed contracts. And when something is totally BS, I can end it early without regret -- especially if it's well outside the terms of my contract and repeat request to stay focused or redefine that contract aren't addressed.

I wish more Americans realize that you shouldn't have a "job," you should have a "career." And one of the best ways to get that is to work for yourself.
Legzman said:
but then again if work was fun they'd charge admission at the door!

One thing you always have to keep in mind is that someone is paying for your time. So you had better be delivering more value in that time than they pay for it. That simple logic defines why and how I do everything!

If your boss or supervisor pisses you off constantly, don't focus on how they treat you. Focus on how much your boss or supervisor prevents you from delivering value to the company. Because if you make that argument, then your boss/supervisor's superiors will understand that your concerns are to put the company's interests first.

I've typically found that this is much easier to do as a consultant. If you have no ties to the company, there is no "he just wants my job" rebuttle from the supervisor like they often do with regards to subordinates. I've seen massive waste and clusterfucks when it comes to people who can't manage or just don't have the technical skill set to manage those under them. And sometimes they make the mistake of crossing that threshold with me.

Because when I have a signed contract to complete specific duties, I am liable to complete those duties. And I'm going to be damned if someone's ego, incompetence or other self-inflicted non-sense is going to get in the way of that. Now I can swallow my pride, I can take yelling and cursing, I can take all the blame for when things go wrong -- but I can't take someone impeding my work constantly and preventing me from helping the company. And when I put it in those terms, with great reservation and only when absolutely required, I am listened to.

I'm considered the absolute nicest and professional individual at every single firm I've been at. But about 3-4 months in, one person will cross a threshold. I give them plenty of opportunities, but at some point, they will start pointing the finger at me for their errors. And that's when my extensive documentation comes out -- which pretty much eliminates any repudiation. From there, it's really about how prideful they are and how much they want to really work to change.

In fact, the most common complaint my last supervisor made about me was, "why doesn't he ever get upset?" I don't get upset, but I do get results one way or another. Luckily, he was clueless, so most of us were able to by-pass him and most people just used me as their management-level conduit. Especially since I took all the yelling and cursing with a smile (which only pissed my supervisor off more).
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AFA said:
I guess a conversion then. I was looking at the collapsible.
nope telespocic stocks are fine now the brady bill sunsetted i really never followed that bullshit law to begin with being a gunsmith i never saw anything that made a firearm banable what makes them think that you can kill somone better with a shorter stock it makes no sense, sure you can hide it just a touch better but then again you can hide a pistol better. and most gangsta's only get those little saturday night specials anyway. anyhoo thats it.:)
MiamiBeach said:
I like my job. I am in the commercial printing business and I do outside sales. When you do outside sales you really don't have to deal with all the office politics and the stupid day to day drama like you would being inside.
Agreed! It's literally like having a family you don't live with. You get all the positives and virtually no negatives (at least until you have a problem with AR).
I have two 'jobs'. One I loathe already, the other I love:D
I used to like my job but now I got put on sallery and I am going to be doing 8 hours of work for fucking free. I think I'm going to give my friend a call and see if he still has the positions open. $22.00 starting, 4 days on 3 off, 8 hour days. Here, maby $600 a pay check 12+ hour days. 6 days a week.
I am in food service on my feet all day as a busboy doing the type of shish no one wants to do and in my line of work a lot of moving around very fast pace like you know I almost lost my job for being late I want to find another job or look for a second job but I have to hold on to this job here got to put food in my stomach and a roof over my head you know what I mean.
I'd love to be a waiter again!

Born2Roam said:
I like my job, where else can you get drunk, shoot pool, and play darts and get paid for it. Yes, i work at a bar.
Social jobs are great!
crack_pipe112 said:
I am in food service on my feet all day as a busboy doing the type of shish no one wants to do and in my line of work a lot of moving around very fast pace like you know
The only blue collar job I had (other than working for my father, which had me tracking around in swamps half the time) was being a waiter for 6 months when I was 18. Good fun, good people, good times.

I also like "lesser appreciated beauties" so damn if I didn't get tips (as well as laid) when a "lesser appreciated woman" came in. Some of the male waiters I worked with would look at me, but damn if they didn't quickly respect what I liked (and didn't). Especially after some of the waitresses started respecting me for the same. ;)

crack_pipe112 said:
I almost lost my job for being late I want to find another job or look for a second job but I have to hold on to this job here got to put food in my stomach and a roof over my head you know what I mean.
Punctuality doesn't go away no matter what job you have. Just remember that bad habits die hard. Tell yourself your start time is 1 hour before you have to and stick to that. That's how you avoid being late.

Since I've been self-employed, I always mark my start time late (e.g., 7:15am becomes "before 8:00am") and end time early (e.g., 5:35pm becomes "after 5:00pm") on purpose, and round down my hours in the client's favor. That way the client never questions my time and feels like they are getting me cheaper.


It's good to be the king...
Since I've recently been made permanent in my job (financial services) - I'm enjoying it....
I have been at the same place for almost 13 years and I hate the people I work for...and I found out last night that tonight there is going to be a massive layoff (going from 33 employees to 8.) and the guy who will be giving the unlucky ones the ax just so happens to hate me with an overwhelming passion! So I am kinda worry...especially because after this post I am heading to work! Even though I really don't look forward to going to work EVER at that place it IS paying my bills and without it I would never be able to afford to marry Kitty and get us our own place to start sharing our lives with one another...*sighs*

Well...I'm off to Hell to see if I'm still on the payroll!
drdeath67 said:
I have been at the same place for almost 13 years and I hate the people I work for...and I found out last night that tonight there is going to be a massive layoff (going from 33 employees to 8.) and the guy who will be giving the unlucky ones the ax just so happens to hate me with an overwhelming passion! So I am kinda worry...especially because after this post I am heading to work! Even though I really don't look forward to going to work EVER at that place it IS paying my bills and without it I would never be able to afford to marry Kitty and get us our own place to start sharing our lives with one another...*sighs*

Well...I'm off to Hell to see if I'm still on the payroll!

If worse comes to worse you will always be able to tell that guy to take his job and shove it. It's not much of a consolation, I know, but maybe there will be nothing else to lose at that point. Anyway good luck and I hope it goes well.
D-rock said:
If worse comes to worse you will always be able to tell that guy to take his job and shove it. It's not much of a consolation, I know, but maybe there will be nothing else to lose at that point. Anyway good luck and I hope it goes well.
ME TOO! I am heading out the door right now! Later bud!:wave2:
drdeath67, i don't know what you do for a living/or can't remember (sorry) but I truly believe as one door closes another door opens, I know it doesn't ease the stress levels and i can really relate to the 'not knowing' turmoil that the uncertainty presents, but I do know that in my experiance everything will work out for the best and I hope that in a year from now you PM me and say "you were right, I've never been happier with the way things are"

Good guys don't come last:)