I have not really liked my job for the last 15 years or so. I am a Union tradesman and get a pretty good salary and benefits package. Our business has changed in the last 10 years or so from one where you basically worked all day going from one assignment to another to a job where everything is a last minute emergency and everyone is constantly screaming and shouting at one another. Add to that poor planning and a good dose of fear and confusion and it has become a nightmare of Biblical proportions. I have been there for over 30 years but now am seriously considering looking for another job. The stress levels are very high and the owners of the company consider the employees to be just more machines to be turned on or turned off at their wim. They expect us to be available 24/7/365 and to work however many hours that they tell us to do. And there are no breaks or lunch time in our schedule either. A few of the people in another department have been working 12 hours a day for the last month, seven days a week except for Mothers Day(a double time and a half holiday, which they did not want to pay for). I know I am here by choice but I have a saying about my job that goes like this" Every morning when I get up I have a choice of taking a bite out of a shit sandwich or go to work and every morning the shit sandwich looks better and better" Thanks for the chance to vent.