White males....would you marry and/or have children with a woman who was not white?

Would you?

  • Yes, I would date one.....but that's as far as I'll go.

    Votes: 10 5.6%
  • Yes, I would marry one....but that's as far as I'll go.

    Votes: 7 3.9%
  • Yes, I would have kids with one.

    Votes: 125 69.4%
  • No, but I'm not racist

    Votes: 20 11.1%
  • No, but I am a racist

    Votes: 7 3.9%
  • Just no

    Votes: 11 6.1%

  • Total voters
So as I'm sure anyone here in the USA has noticed, interracial relationships, marriages, and pregnancies are at an all-time high. More and more people are "mixing". Some people think it's a good thing, others feel the opposite. But I'm sure we have all noticed that there are way more white women marrying out of race than white men.

I've heard the reason for this is an instinct that white men want white children. I can understand the concept...although I don't think it's right. So I'm asking you white males...would you date, marry or even have a kid with a woman who wasn't a fair-skinned caucasian? This includes groups that aren't technically a race, such as Hispanic.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Re: White males....would you marry and/or have children with a woman who was not whit

Would anyone be terribly upset if I ran the OP over with a bulldozer? Didn't think so...
Re: White males....would you marry and/or have children with a woman who was not whit

So as I'm sure anyone here in the USA has noticed, interracial relationships, marriages, and pregnancies are at an all-time high. More an more people are "mixing". Some people think it's a good thing, others feel the opposite. But I'm sure we have all noticed that there are way more white women marrying out of race than white men.

I've heard the reason for this is an instinct that white men want white children. I can understand the concept...although I don't think it's right. So I'm asking you white males...would you date, marry or even have a kid with a woman who wasn't a fair-skinned caucasian? This includes groups that aren't technically a race, such as Hispanic.

Ummm, hate to tell you this, but the most common and probably most publicaly accepted interracial relationship is between White Men and Asian Women. I got to hear a Japanese friend of mine go on and on about this whenever I lived in Washington. I guess he felt he could rant to me about it since I was more into Black and Latino chicks than Asian chicks if I were to get involved with someone from a different race.
Re: White males....would you marry and/or have children with a woman who was not whit

Ummm, hate to tell you this, but the most common and probably most publicaly accepted interracial relationship is between White Men and Asian Women. I got to hear a Japanese friend of mine go on and on about this whenever I lived in Washington.

Yeah, I've heard about that too.


Closed Account
Re: White males....would you marry and/or have children with a woman who was not whit

Yes. I am a Caucasian man and I'm currently engaged to a woman in my age group who lives abroad from India. We originally met online. While neither of us are really "children" people because of what we think over all of the population figures and the many problems here on Earth, we are both more or less "pet" people, although she is much more so then me, and we're thinking about adopting a child later on it life. Although not right now, since we're both still in our mid '20s and more or less have very, very long lives head of us of course.

But yes, I did click the option that I would gladly have children with her. In my mind people of any race & creed should be open to all others. But alas, we are all human beings and human beings are actually rather complicated creatures. Whomever you are into is whomever you are into.
Re: White males....would you marry and/or have children with a woman who was not whit

...would you date, marry or even have a kid with a woman who wasn't a fair-skinned caucasian?

Yes I would and I did. She an Italian


Closed Account
Re: White males....would you marry and/or have children with a woman who was not whit

Ummm, hate to tell you this, but the most common and probably most publicaly accepted interracial relationship is between White Men and Asian Women. I got to hear a Japanese friend of mine go on and on about this whenever I lived in Washington. I guess he felt he could rant to me about it since I was more into Black and Latino chicks than Asian chicks if I were to get involved with someone from a different race.

I've also heard that. That the most common North American interracial relationship was that between a fellow White male and that of an Asian-American or Asian-Canadian female. Fellowed rather closely by African-American male and then White female, I believe. But I'm 100% about all of that statistic bullshit. But never the less, I believe it's very close and noticeable as well.

I also heard that after the San Francisco greater Bay Area that Washington (State) and the Canadian province of British Columbia have the highest rates of Asian-Americans and Chinese-Canadians (of course) in all of North America, although this is all I've heard from a friend who once lived abroad and quite enjoyed himself on Vancouver Island.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Re: White males....would you marry and/or have children with a woman who was not whit

We voted for the same option...and I'll be driving a forklift.

I didn't vote for anything, fucktard. And I seriously doubt that you're qualified enough to drive a forklift.


Re: White males....would you marry and/or have children with a woman who was not whit

Yes & this is a silly thread , I have had two black girlfriends before which one was the nicest girl I have ever met and I am still friends with her to this day 7 years later , I have also had 2 g/f's of Indian/Pakistani origin....1 from Maritaus(cant remember how to spell this)........

So I have to say yes I would & skin colour doesnt matter one iota to me as long as they are a decent person and not a pure horror...black or white I dont care , just be a decent honest person is all that matters to me and I could marry them
Re: White males....would you marry and/or have children with a woman who was not whit

Yes, I would have kids with one.

But, in fact, I've never been attracted dy a black girl. I've been dating an arabic girl, an asian girl but I never had a crush on a black girl. Nor a latina, but latinas are not as common in France as they are in the US.
There's much more black, asian or arabic girl.


Re: White males....would you marry and/or have children with a woman who was not whit

PS. or have kids with them
Re: White males....would you marry and/or have children with a woman who was not whit

Maybe women tend to be less prejudice and the concept of mixing/polluting races isn't an issue for them, even most white supremacist groups or right wing groups are predominantly male. Women will often marry a man for his attributes rather than his looks so if there was a choice between a white guy that she got along with but couldn't talk to on a deeper level and a non white that she could relate to on a deeper level then she'd go for the non white as talking and conversation is important to women. In terms of biology many women feel the natural urge to become mothers, they will go for the guy that they see will make the best father (also husband) and this often transcends colour. In terms of politics some women can relate more to non white males as they both struggle both now and historically in a white male dominated environment (voting, civil rights, job prospects etc). On the whole I think the whole maintain your own race thing is becoming pretty redundant, the divirce rates are soaring which means that people can't care too much about maintaining their 'race' as they often leave kids in broken homes which will do far more cultural damage for the future. I thought white ethnic groups in the US were already pretty mixed as it was (ie germans/irish/italians/slavs/greeks etc) or do you term white as just light skinned as these groups are pretty divided in case. I say just marry the person you got the best chance of lasting the longest with and if they are the same colour than you then great, but there's no point marrying the best option from your 'race' as when (and it will) it ends in divorce your poor kids will suffer.

There's only one race that matters, the human race:crowdgrin


Re: White males....would you marry and/or have children with a woman who was not whit

I wouldnt have kids with a ginge though :1orglaugh
Re: White males....would you marry and/or have children with a woman who was not whit

Are we gingercist(like racist exept hair colour)? :dunno:

Now I'm not saying this is the best solution but....


Re: White males....would you marry and/or have children with a woman who was not whit

Now I'm not saying this is the best solution but....

You would let them of that lightly? :D

Damn I losing faith in humanity