Re: Sigh ...
These happen all the time (not necessarily of this nature) but this is being classified only as a photo op when in actuality these are exercises that include training and photo ops.
Dude, you're pathetic.
The WH provided notification to all vested parties in NY.
From what I read, the WH wasn't even really involved. It was more on the DoD, and the WH was consulted.
In other words,
I didn't blame the WH at all! I blame the fuck-up on the DoD, possibly some Obama administrative staffer(s) at some level, but
not the WH directly.
only remaining question I have is
when and
how did city and state find out? From what I understand, it was
after the cut-off for publication in the papers. A full business day's notice is not atypical, yet they seemingly didn't.
Lastly, Coulter has a history of attacking NYers for being too sensitive in the past...
Dude, you're taking that out-of-context. That's just proof you're making a political statement when you don't need to.
just wonder where she is now.
Actually, what I've seen out of Fox is "kicking the other media outlets," like they do sometimes. I.e.,
no one in the media thought this was a "big deal" yesterday. But, because of Fox, they do today -- a "full day late."
Kinda sad, and a good reaffirmation that you have ...
- On the left: ABC, CBS, CNN (they've even made HLN analyst-based now), NBC
- On the right: Fox News
I can't stand Fox News. I can't stand Ann Coulter or Shaun Hanity for that matter. But damn if I'm not glad they are around to at least report things that aren't reported because, and don't point out just how much, the other outlets are, so damn leftist -- ignoring things when a Democrat is "under the microsope" that they'd utterly bash a Republican for.
Fox News was just the first outlet to show that sensationalist conservatism could sell advertising time as well. And the "exodus" of anyone even remotely conservative from anyone else to Fox News continues year after year.
Probably working on her next "I hate..(fill in the blank)" book.
Yes, because Republicans just "hate" (fill in the blank)
In all honesty, she's critical when she needs to be, like
many other analysts. She has her political alignments, as you do yourself. Get over it.
Many of us more objective Libertarians do with both of you.
Sigh. I long for the days when some of the more objective news anchors made their impact. I still fondly remembering Sam Donaldson more than ready to cross his colleagues when they did the "I've never seen" or "this politician is the first" and he'd point out the hypocrisy of the statement. I still remember that far back reaching brain of his dragging up some facts about LBJ, JFK, Nixon and others during the 2000 elections, when people tried to act like we're seeing a lot of "firsts."
David Brinkley was another great from ABC. If there was ever a man that was repeatedly caught in blantant lie after blantant lie by David, it was Al Gore. Where is that integrity today?