White House Terrifies NYC


Tits - This thread has nothing to do with partisan politics.

Tell me, who's interests are being served under this president ?
Ans: Mr. Hedge Fund / The currency breaking subversive himself, that's who ! Need his name be mentioned ?

There's so much more to this story that we're not getting.
Photoshop, no that would made sense.
That is the difference between a Republican and a Socialist president, the Republican will chose the least expensive method for the desired photo.

The only person responsible for where the 747 called AF1 goes is the President not the DOD , chief of staff, the FBI, or the Secret Service. It's nice of Louis Caldera to 'accept' blame but that does not fly.
Photoshop, no that would made sense.
That is the difference between a Republican and a Socialist president, the Republican will chose the least expensive method for the desired photo.

The only person responsible for where the 747 called AF1 goes is the President not the DOD , chief of staff, the FBI, or the Secret Service. It's nice of Louis Caldera to 'accept' blame but that does not fly.

It was an Air Force photo....the pilots sign the pics and distribute them...It's just another way for these pilots to maintain their flight hours.
Allegedly city and state officials were notified ...

Funny how this story had hit earlier in the day and the emphasis was on the fact the White House had notified all the necessary agencies in NYC but those people chose not to make a big deal out of it or even announce it to the city.
Then a few hours later...the story changes.
In defense of the Obama administration, allegedly city and state officials were notified.

The question remains when and how that notification was done. Was it done before the daily papers? From what I read, it seems that was not the case.

Someone fucked up. But someone in the DoD did take responsibility for that.

Allegedly, Obama is furious.
And when things like this happened during W.'s administration, he himself was often shocked as well. But that often didn't stop the pundits and select media alignments to totally pounce on him. So this is just happening in reverse with select, other media outlets.

Although I have to agree with one analyst at Fox. If this happened under W., the response by the media and the calls for an investigation would have been far worse. You'd have people claiming the President was trying to "strike fear" in the citizenship.

These are mistakes that happen. Unfortunately, they cost a lot of emotion, time and even money when they are handled poorly, and the President is hardly involved.

People forget about the military setting off hydrogen bomb tests in the middle of the Cuban Missile crisis. JFK had little to do with those, although everyone looked at it as his, ultimate responsibility to ensure such did not happen. (And yes, I can both defend JFK in such statements, while criticizing him in others -- it's called being objective)

It was an Air Force photo....the pilots sign the pics and distribute them...It's just another way for these pilots to maintain their flight hours.
But would you be saying the same, or even just quick to say the same, if W. was still in office? I seriously doubt it.

It sounds like this was a notification clusterfuck, with compounding issues of timing, notices, visibility, etc... Where does that buck stop? Some say the President. I'm a realist, and I say the President cannot head off every fuck up.

Most Americans say the President can if it's "not their candidate," and cannot if it's "their candidate." You seem to be yet another one of those.


Hiliary 2020
wow, that must have been like "torture" for many witnessing that, imminent fear of violent death, wow.
yeah this didnt get much media coverage, but i can imagine if it was bush in that plane, holy shit.
It was an Air Force photo....the pilots sign the pics and distribute them...It's just another way for these pilots to maintain their flight hours.

Well we now know you no nothing about being a pilot and that you have never been in the U.S. military.
wow, that must have been like "torture" for many witnessing that, imminent fear of violent death, wow.
yeah this didnt get much media coverage, but i can imagine if it was bush in that plane, holy shit.

Obama wasn't in the plane. The photo op was just a small part of the whole event. Against my better judgment I'm going to say generally it's is a common practice where AF1 pilots are involved in exercises which ALSO provide them with the opportunity to log hours and generate promotional photos that the Air Force officers then sign and distribute for various purposes.

That said, you can't be flying that bird around Manhattan with an F-16 chase...Where's Ann Coulter this time to vilify the NY citizens for being too sensitive though??:confused:
Sigh ...

Where's Ann Coulter this time to vilify the NY citizens for being too sensitive though??:confused:
I knew a slant at conservatives couldn't be far behind. Next!

The great thing about Democrat and Republican administrations is that there's no end of pundits and blind faithful citizens who won't use their fuck up to push an agenda against the other party.

Unannounced fly-overs by military aircraft at low-speed, in "escort" of a passenger aircraft isn't exactly "well liked" by the civil population. As someone who has worked at a major, military aircraft production installation, failure to announce fly-overs and other "events" was often cause for some serious issues -- possibly fines -- with the local, civil government.

Heck, we used to regularly hear of complaints for engine testing noise -- as if the large, civil airport next door was quiet itself!

And don't even get me started on all the missile testing I was involved with well before that. A company I was associated with was fined by the local government for merely putting a ballistic missile on -- gasp -- a truck that heading out for -- gasp -- the launch.

Someone fucked up. How much and how high you want to blame the administration for that, I really don't care. But don't go out of your way to defend it, and take a shot at Fox News. I have to agree with them, and no one in the mainstream media made much of a deal of this until that reality (and I'm sorry, it's reality) was pointed out by Fox.
Obama wasn't in the plane. The photo op was just a small part of the whole event. Against my better judgment I'm going to say generally it's is a common practice where AF1 pilots are involved in exercises which ALSO provide them with the opportunity to log hours and generate promotional photos that the Air Force officers then sign and distribute for various purposes.

That said, you can't be flying that bird around Manhattan with an F-16 chase...Where's Ann Coulter this time to vilify the NY citizens for being too sensitive though??:confused:

AF1 is only AF1 when the President is on it!
No the pilots do not do that.
Try again.
Re: Sigh ...

I knew a slant at conservatives couldn't be far behind. Next!

Unannounced fly-overs by military aircraft at low-speed, in "escort" of a passenger aircraft isn't exactly "well liked" by the civil population. As someone who has worked at a major, military aircraft production installation, failure to announce fly-overs and other "events" was often cause for some serious issues with the local, civil government.

These happen all the time (not necessarily of this nature) but this is being classified only as a photo op when in actuality these are exercises that include training and photo ops.

The WH provided notification to all vested parties in NY.

Lastly, Coulter has a history of attacking NYers for being too sensitive in the past...just wonder where she is now. Probably working on her next "I hate..(fill in the blank)" book.
Did Obama sit in the Oval Office and say "let's scare the shit out of NYC for a photo op"? Of course not. But at least now we have a real catchphrase. Yes We Can. No. Obama the photo op President. It just rolls off the tongue.
Re: Sigh ...

These happen all the time (not necessarily of this nature) but this is being classified only as a photo op when in actuality these are exercises that include training and photo ops.
Dude, you're pathetic. ;)

The WH provided notification to all vested parties in NY.
From what I read, the WH wasn't even really involved. It was more on the DoD, and the WH was consulted.

In other words, I didn't blame the WH at all! I blame the fuck-up on the DoD, possibly some Obama administrative staffer(s) at some level, but not the WH directly.

The only remaining question I have is when and how did city and state find out? From what I understand, it was after the cut-off for publication in the papers. A full business day's notice is not atypical, yet they seemingly didn't.

Lastly, Coulter has a history of attacking NYers for being too sensitive in the past...
Dude, you're taking that out-of-context. That's just proof you're making a political statement when you don't need to.

just wonder where she is now.
Actually, what I've seen out of Fox is "kicking the other media outlets," like they do sometimes. I.e., no one in the media thought this was a "big deal" yesterday. But, because of Fox, they do today -- a "full day late."

Kinda sad, and a good reaffirmation that you have ...
- On the left: ABC, CBS, CNN (they've even made HLN analyst-based now), NBC
- On the right: Fox News

I can't stand Fox News. I can't stand Ann Coulter or Shaun Hanity for that matter. But damn if I'm not glad they are around to at least report things that aren't reported because, and don't point out just how much, the other outlets are, so damn leftist -- ignoring things when a Democrat is "under the microsope" that they'd utterly bash a Republican for.

Fox News was just the first outlet to show that sensationalist conservatism could sell advertising time as well. And the "exodus" of anyone even remotely conservative from anyone else to Fox News continues year after year.

Probably working on her next "I hate..(fill in the blank)" book.
Yes, because Republicans just "hate" (fill in the blank)

In all honesty, she's critical when she needs to be, like many other analysts. She has her political alignments, as you do yourself. Get over it.

Many of us more objective Libertarians do with both of you. ;)

Sigh. I long for the days when some of the more objective news anchors made their impact. I still fondly remembering Sam Donaldson more than ready to cross his colleagues when they did the "I've never seen" or "this politician is the first" and he'd point out the hypocrisy of the statement. I still remember that far back reaching brain of his dragging up some facts about LBJ, JFK, Nixon and others during the 2000 elections, when people tried to act like we're seeing a lot of "firsts."

David Brinkley was another great from ABC. If there was ever a man that was repeatedly caught in blantant lie after blantant lie by David, it was Al Gore. Where is that integrity today?
Re: Sigh ...

Dude, you're pathetic. ;)

From what I read, the WH wasn't even really involved. It was more on the DoD, and the WH was consulted.

In other words, I didn't blame the WH at all! I blame the fuck-up on the DoD, possibly some Obama administrative staffer(s) at some level, but not the WH directly.

White House Military Office Apologizes for New York Overflight

By Kim Chipman

April 27 (Bloomberg) -- The head of the White House military office issued an apology for “any distress” caused when an Air Force One backup plane and two fighter jets swooped over New York Harbor for a photo shoot.

“While federal authorities took the proper steps to notify state and local authorities in New York and New Jersey, it’s clear that the mission created confusion and disruption,” Louis Caldera, director of the White House military office, said in a statement. “I apologize and take responsibility for any distress that flight caused.”

Re: Sigh ...

I'm more than well aware of this. Just because someone takes responsibility doesn't mean they are to blame. That was my point. ;)

Again ... sigh ...

In fact, it only undermines your prior posts. My posts were that it didn't go very high into the White House. I'm not into political alignments, or trying to "explain away" criticisms, but realities.

Louis Caldera is the director of the White House military office....what do you think that job entails?
I dont give a shit what they put in the news simply because I know that the plane called AF1 when the President is on it does not go anywhere without the approvial of the President even if he is not on it.
When that plane is being flown and the President is not on board it's designation is SAM28000(Special Air Mission and the planes tail#).
The DOD does not have anything to do with the plane other than it's security. The maintence is even part of the Whitehouse budget.


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
those planes practice touch-and-goes at my airport. In fact, there was one flying around today. I tried to get a photo, but missed it. The first time it was unsettling to see what i believed to be AF1 seemingly about to crash on a major thoroughfare. I can understand the concern of the people. i wasn't there in 01 and cannot possibly imagine the flashbacks. It was a screw up. In the grand scheme, it isn't that big a deal.

Inhale deeply, exhale. Repeat until your heart beat is under 65. Now, back to the economic crisis, the swine flu scare, some astronaut saying there are aliens among us and Tom with the weather.

Man you are cracking me up.

There is no execercise to take photos of that plane, it does not happen. It is not AF1 unless the President is on it.
Just do a Google on SAM 28000 to find the Truth on when this plane flys.
The only time it is photographed in the air is when the President is on it or sends it somewhere.
The second image is not even a photo it is a CGI image.