The more prefered across the world? Try telling that to them in Jamaica, Africa and a few other countries. Maybe most prefered in European areas and wester civilization, which is influenced by European outlook. lol at "higher sperm counts"? o looks for big dicks. the average dick size for any man of any color is 6 inches. some of those men (black or white) could possibly be taking pills as well.
I am white. I am really only attracted to black women of all shades. I don't hate anyone. I don't think white women are ugly. I don't believe in race, but I do have preferences when it comes to skin color, as some men have with eye or hair color. Black women have the smooth skin, the bodies to die for (hence why women have lip implants and ass implants). I find them far more attractive and appealing, from Africa to America. Inside we are all the same, but I jsut have a preference for body types and looks.
It don't bother me to see a black dick in a white chick. It's just sex. and to whoever said white dicks in black chicks are hard to find in must not be looking very hard.