Which Would You Rather?

Which would you prefer to see:

1. Your favorite porn star doing a scene you've always wished she done


2. Your favorite actress posing nude for the first time


3. Someone you know - a coworker, neighbour, opposite sex pal (or not, for those who swing that way) naked...but only a quick glimpse

I know, not much of a thread but it's Friday afternoon and I can't think of anything else. :glugglug:


what the fuck you lookin at?
Great Idea for a thread! Maybe you should add a pole!

Good question...favorite actress posing nude for the first time, sound good to me!


Closed Account
I want to see a few of the members here, lined up like the Rockettes for me. :D Now fellas kick, again......

Easy. #3. There are too many hot pornstars for me to care about specific scenes. The way Hollywood works, the actresses I like will be naked soon enough.
# 3 for me
There are too many hot pornstars for me to care about specific scenes.

I agree.

as far as 3#... maybe fucka coworker.but seeing people nekid is kinda boring. I mean normal people.

I'd have to go with number 2. there are some actresses that have been famous for a while and don't really need the publicity stunt, so the chances of seeing them in the buff are probably the slimest out of all the choices.
I'll say porn star doing something new, but all of those are excellent choices. :cool: