which would you rather see eradicated, cancer or AIDS?

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since its not a behavioral disease, this is a no brainer for cancer for me. my grandpa and grandma died from cancer, and lived a productive life their whole lives.


Was King of the Board for a Day
AIDS. Why? Because cancer at least has treatments available for it. With AIDS, once you've got it, there's not much you can do.
Cancer as there is still little known about how develops as there are so many factors. AIDS can often be prevented in many cases but people don't practice safe sex, share needles or hospitals botch blood tranfusions. I'd prefer governments to stop wasting billions/trillions on all these fancy weapons and spend it on research to finally eradicate these diseases although the drugs companies won't like that.
Neither. Both are forms of population control, which is a necessity. If every person born into this world lived to be 90-100 years old, the population would greatly exceed the long term carrying capacity of the environment, ultimately causing much worse problems.


Was King of the Board for a Day
more people die annually from cancer than AIDS. hey, if you wanna be promiscuous, i think thats on that person.

A friend who I hadn't talked to since I was a kid got in a car accident about 2 years ago. During the MRI to make sure she was okay, they found she had ovarian cancer. She was 21. She got chemo and is now fine.

My point is that while AIDS may be more easily prevented, it's still the disease with no cure or real forms of treatment. By the same token, you could say that cancer is easily prevented by not smoking, drinking, etc. That may not stop all forms of cancer, but the fact of the matter is, substances can have a big impact on the development of cancerous cells.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Cancer, I think we all have the self awarness and precautions there is about AIDS. Honestly if you can't wear a condom or use a clean needle then you deserve to get whacked up side the head with a ballpeen hammer...or AIDS.
Well, I don't really care much for humanity, and I do agree with Plump Rump when he says that it is a form of population control. Do consider this, however; In a few thousand years or so, people could indeed grow highly resilient to HIV and have stronger immune systems due to the effects of being born with AIDS. Just a thought of course.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I'd rather have AIDs eradicated, because if we got rid of Cancer everyone would start smoking again and that would be kind of annoying.
Aids. Cancer isn't contagious.

There is no mystery in cutting down AIDS. I've seen people do EVERY fucking thing right (in theory) and still end up with cancer.

Get rid of that shit.