Which store do you like better: Target or Wal Mart?


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I like Target for groceries, because they have some great stuff to eat there. I like Wal Mart because my meds are cheap there, and the clothes are cheap, and I can buy soap and razors at a low price.
Walmart is cheaper and has better stuff than Target. Target's clothes, furniture and housewares looks like they are catering to college kids.
Target is nice because they have clean stores, but higher prices.

I shop more at Wal-Mart because they have everything I need on the cheap and offer self checkout.


Postal Paranoiac
Target is more expensive, but they have really good ice cube trays. WalMart is run by the Saudi royal family and George Dubya.


Closed Account
Target. i live in Southern Kalifornia but for some reason, the people in Wal-Mart down here make me feel like i'm in rural Kentucky. i swear my IQ drops 10 points every time i go to that store.
WalMart is dirty deeds done dirt cheap.
I hate that place and go there maybe once a year.

When you walk into a WalMart;
in your mind-
just look around and start humming in your mind "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap"...
it will all make sense.
Nasty. And NOT in a good way.
Going with Target, it's less depressing.

I like Target but has anybody else feel it's too bright in there? Seriously. Maybe it's just me.

At least it's not as bad as that fucking Apple Store. I seriously can't go into that place without squinting.

kmart is still around?

Yes, just visit your nearest ghetto.

Target: more expensive
Walmart: better prices

Target: nice merchandise
Walmart: crap-ass cheap stuff

Target: incompetent staff
Walmart: retarded, previously retired (or illegal) staff

Target: Thinks they're awesome
Walmart: knows they suck ass biscuits

Target: customers show up looking like adults who dressed themselves
Walmart: pajamas and track-suits. everywhere. seriously, it's an epidemic.

I guess it is a wash. :dunno:

Nicely put.

Some of them may not be, but in my experience most of clothes there are not that great. Target definitely has the edge in clothing.

It also sucks that Wal-mart only sells edited CDs. At least they sell Maxim magazine now.

Yes, and yes. The CD part really pisses me off. I always like to go to the music section at stores, until I'm reminded that the music is censored.

I've only been in a Wal*Mart once. Never will return.

I've noticed that Target is becoming the Hooters of retail. The Target staff seems to like to show off their boobs:nanner::glugglug:

I have not noticed this, but the staff is generally more attractive. And younger.

I hate Walmart but must admit that when I'm in a Walmart I feel very attractive (compared to everyone else)

Lol same here.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Stupid question. It's like asking if you prefer housing projects or trailer parks.


For the EMPEROR!!
We don't have Wal-mart (it's called K-mart here). But which do I like?? - neither of them really.
Thems got one of those fancy Walmarks over yonder, but I just use a beer can for a Target
Strictly based on the stores that are in my area...
Nicer Employees: Target
Better Price: Walmart
Target = An "upper class" Walmart
:2 cents:
I am no longer welcome at Walmart, since the incident with the greeter. Honestly, if I can't give them an inappropriately long hug, what the fuck are they there for?
I don't think I've ever shopped at either. Partly because neither of them is near my apartment.

But I vote for Wal Mart, because they stand up to union goons.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
I can buy the cheapest price good quality Ammo around @ Walmart, target doesn't even sell Ammo so fuck em'. Nuff said!!