Which Soccer club do you support?

Van Der Vart has already scored and missed a penalty as Spurs lead 1-0, Arsenal 3-0 up against Newcastle after only 10 mins

edit: damn wrong thread :facepalm:
A more constructive discussion could be had here if we argued who are the healthiest athletes on the planet. Soccer and hockey are the fittest, followed by basketball and then of course baseball and football are filled with twinkie stuffers. :2 cents:

That sounds like a discussion worth having because where do we put gymnastics and swimming and triathletes in that discussion?

I totally agree about playing soccer and shedding the pounds. It works. I read that in his prime Bjorn Borg's heartrate never went above the normal resting rate of a person sitting. He ran around in his day playing 5 set matches and never had a heartrate above normal (36 or some ridiculous shit).


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Van Der Vart has already scored and missed a penalty as Spurs lead 1-0, Arsenal 3-0 up against Newcastle after only 10 mins

edit: damn wrong thread :facepalm:

Getting blonde, are we?
I support any club that properly deals with British soccer fans by punching them in the nuts. I have yet to see such rowdiness at a game before, and I have been to more than a few Raiders games in Oakland.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
You're learning how to conquer the world like the ancient Vikings did?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
It's obvious that they were Norwegians.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I wish I had a sports channel...
Since I learned to walk ... Milan!!!!

I've always liked Inter since the early 90s when they were always overshadowed by Milan and Juventus, I was very happy when my favourite player Ronaldo joined but haven't watched Italian football for a few years now but still follow the results. As I'm not Italian I don't really have any animosity towards Milan and I used to love Maldini, best defender ever! Football was great in the 90s and has all changed now because of the money :(


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
That it was.
AFC Ajax amsterdam!!!!