Which of Ainur Would You Like To Be?

The Ainur

  • Manwë Súlimo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Melkor

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • Aulë

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • Oromë

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Mandos

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tulkas

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lórien

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Varda Elentári

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yavanna Kementári

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Manwë, Greatest of the Valar, spouse of Varda and King of Arda; he dwells in his halls on Taniquetil, highest of mountains, and the winds and airs of Arda are under his command.

Ulmo, One of the chief of the Valar, and one of the most powerful, ranked only behind Melkor and Manwë. Before the making of the World, he delighted in the making of music, and played a great part in the Ainulindalë, the Music of the Ainur at the beginning of Eä. Within Arda, his special province was the waters of the World, and those waters were said to carry an echo of the Great Music.

Aulë, One of the Aratar, the eight greatest of the Valar, Aulë was the Vala concerned with the substance of Arda; rock and metal. As his name suggests, he was also the builder and inventor of the Valar. He constructed Angainor, the chain of Melkor, and the vessels of the Sun and Moon.

Oromë, The Huntsman of the Valar, the brother of Nessa and one of the eight Aratar. In ancient times, he rode often in the forests of Middle-earth, and it was he who first discovered the Eldar at Cuiviénen.

Mandos, The Doomsman of the Valar and keeper of the slain in his Halls in the west of Valinor; his true name is said to be Námo.

Lórien, The common name given to the Vala Irmo, from the gardens in Valinor where he dwelt with his spouse Estë.

Tulkas Astaldo, The last of the Valar to descend into Arda, and the most warlike; he did battle with Melkor in the years when the World was young.

Melkor, Said to be the mightiest dweller in Arda, Melkor was of the same order of the Valar and equal in power to Manwë himself, who was Melkor's brother in the mind of Ilúvatar. While the Valar descended into Arda to order and govern wisely, though, Melkor sought power for himself alone, and sought to bend all things to his own will.

Varda, The Queen of the Stars and spouse of Manwë the King of Arda, great among the Queens of the Valar. She set the stars in the sky, for which the Eldar of Middle-earth revered her, calling her by the name of Elbereth.

Yavanna, Called the 'Giver of Fruits', Yavanna was the Vala whose province was all growing things upon the earth. She was the spouse of Aulë the Smith.

Nienna, A Queen of the Valar, the sister of Námo and Irmo, who dwells alone on the western borders of the World. Nienna ranks as one of the eight Aratar, the most powerful of the Valar.

Estë, A lady of the Valar, the spouse of Irmo, who dwells with him in the gardens of Lórien in Valinor.

Vairë, A Queen of the Valar, the spouse of Mandos, who weaves the tales of the history of Arda.

Vána, A lady of the Valar, the sister of Yavanna and spouse of Oromë. Flowers were said to open, and birds sing, at her passing.

Nessa, The spouse of Tulkas and sister to Oromë, who delights in dancing on the green lawns of Valimar.

Grief and mourning are Nienna's province; in her halls in the distant west1, she weeps for the suffering of Arda. Her part in the Music of the Ainur was one of deep sadness, and from this grief entered the world in its beginning.

Aiwendil, A Maia of Yavanna's people, and a friend to birds, he was one of those who passed across the Great Sea in the Third Age to become Wizards, and is better known by the name he received in Middle-earth: Radagast the Brown.
Alatar, One of the Maiar of Oromë, he was among the original three Wizards selected to pass east across the Great Sea to Middle-earth. Once there, he passed into the east with Curumo and Pallando, and never returned to the western lands.
Arien, A spirit of fire, and one of the Maiar of Vána. When the Sun was newly made, Arien was chosen to be its guide, and she took on the form of a brilliant flame before travelling into the skies of Arda.
Curumo, One of Aulë's Maiar, who was noted for his inventiveness and ingenuity. He was the foremost of those chosen the return to Middle-earth as Wizards, and there he became better known by the name Saruman.
Eönwë, One of the most powerful of the Maiar, the standard-bearer and herald of Manwë himself. It was Eönwë who led the host of the Valar into Middle-earth to fight the War of Wrath.
Gothmog, A Maia subverted by Melkor, who became one of the Dark Lord's greatest servants. He was known as the Lord of Balrogs and High-captain of Angband. He met his end in Morgoth's invasion of Gondolin, where he was slain by the Elf-lord Ecthelion.
Ilmarë, The handmaid of Varda, and thus one of the most important of the Maiar. Ilmarë was said to be one of the best known of the Maiar in later ages, though she appears in no tale, and little is known of her beyond her name.
Melian, Originally from the people of both Vána and Estë, Melian was the only Maia to wed a Child of Ilúvatar. Travelling to Middle-earth, she met Elu Thingol in the wood of Nan Elmoth, and they wed to become King and Queen of Doriath. They had a daughter, Lúthien, through whom the line of the Maiar entered the peoples of Middle-earth. Melian remained in Doriath until the time of Thingol's death, and then returned to Valinor.
Olórin, Regarded as the wisest of all the Maiar, Olórin was selected as one of those to travel east to Middle-earth in the Third Age. There, he took on the guise of a Wizard, and as Gandalf he helped to oversee and direct the resistance against Sauron.
Ossë, The tempestuous Maia of the coastal seas, Ossë was a vassal of Ulmo and spouse to Uinen. For a time, he turned to Melkor's side against the Valar, but he was pardoned and returned to his former master. It was Ossë who persuaded the Falathrim to remain in Middle-earth, and who taught the Teleri of Tol Eressëa the art of ship-building so that they could travel to the shores of Eldamar.
Pallando, A friend of Alatar among the Maiar of Oromë, Pallando was chosen as one of the five to be sent across the Great Sea to aid Middle-earth, where they became known as Istari or Wizards. With his friend Alatar, Pallando travelled into the eastern lands. Together they became known as the Blue Wizards, but little is known of their travels in the East.
Salmar, A follower of Ulmo, who made the Ulumúri, the horns of white shell borne by his master. The music of the Ulumúri could create a yearning for the sea, and was never forgotten by those who heard it.
Sauron, Among the most powerful of the Maiar, Sauron was originally one of Aulë's people, but he was corrupted and became one of Melkor's greatest servants. After Melkor was banished from the World at the end of the First Age, Sauron took on the mantle of the Dark Lord, and threatened the Free Peoples of Middle-earth for many centuries until his final defeat at the end of the Third Age.
Tilion, A member of Oromë's hunt, who carried a bow of silver. He loved the silver rays of Telperion, and when the White Tree was destroyed he asked for the honour of steering its last flower into the sky. So Tilion became the steersman of the Moon, guiding it across the sky to bring silver light to Middle-earth.

Uinen, Called the Lady of the Seas, Uinen is the spouse of Ossë, and a follower of Ulmo. Her hair was said to spread through all the seas of the World, and she could gentle Ossë and thus bring calm seas. For this, she was an important Maia to sea-farers, and she was particularly revered by the Venturers of Númenor, who called themselves Uinendili, the 'devotees of Uinen'.



I'm just screwing with you,but seriously,I have no idea what you are even talking about.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I know you don't, I Just felt like posting it.

P.S Hmm... I thought I made room between each Ainur... Too much text?


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I still don't think you are a nerd.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
All of you Ainur cannot compare to Crom! All of them tremble before Crom! None Can Answer The Riddle Of Steel! Crom Laughs At Your Ainur!


Special Operations FOX-HOUND


I pick Aule....He created the dwarves and was a supreme master of lore and crafting.

I could be wrong been ages since I read the book but I think Saruman and Sauron studied with him for a time. Well I am definitely sure about Saruman. Gandalf on the other hand was called Olorin in Valinor and was under the tutelage of Estë hence his affinity with all things natural.


I doubt it....As he and Curumo where restricted to human like forms.....I think its even said somewhere in one of tolkien's text that Sauron himself in essence could not be a pagan he was well aware of the existence of Eru and the orders within valinor.

Unlike men who only had myths and such to go on....No knowledge on their after life as well unlike elves. The fact saruman became corrupted was a good story element but I never bought it, As they did not have access to their higher powers....Sauron on the other hand was in middle earth with his full Ainur power and had the previous patronage of Melkor.

Melkor/Morgoth was perhaps the second strongest of the valor. Eru also allowed his discord and malcontent to enter into the song of creation as he saw this as a vital component to the over all beauty of the song. He was not killed probably because he could not be but rather was imprisoned deep within middle earth.

Men who had knowledge and lore such as the numenoreans where always jealous of the longevity of elves and seeked access to the western lands and where hence punished. Some stayed true becoming the dunedain while others became the black numenoreans and by extension the corsairs of umbar etc.

No being with true knowledge of god and the higher powers would be corrupted unless he/she/it seeked to challenge the order and had reason to believe it was possible......As an istari in middle earth you could not contend in such a way but merely become the masters of pawns on a chess board....But when the dust settled the order would be their waiting for the fight.
All of you Ainur cannot compare to Crom! All of them tremble before Crom! None Can Answer The Riddle Of Steel! Crom Laughs At Your Ainur!

Seriously, if you are pulling the Hyborian card, at least use the original sources. The riddle of steel is a movie invention, and has nothing to do with Howard's original works.

That said, having to pick a favorite between Middle-Earth and The Hyborian Age - not to mention Westeros - is not easy.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Melkor/Morgoth was perhaps the second strongest of the valor.

Tulkas had the most strength, but Melkor was the one with the most power, Manwë was second, and it's Valar and not valor.