Which News Reporter Would You Want In A Porno?


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jillian reynolds and jane skinner
ITV`s Lucy Kite. Long haired brunette, nice curves, rarely see her legs but when you do she usually wears hears. Nice happy presented. Would be great to see her in some home movies especially if they involve her having loud orgasms, and in bondage.
Yes, she is very hot.

There was a reporter, Allison Williams, that actually did make her own porno in a news van for which she was fired.

She's not as hot as the 4 luscious ladies I listed but she's the only one I know of that got dirty for us.


I used to work as a PA at a news station and would always fantasize about banging the hot reporters in the back of the live truck. Those things are perfect for it, no windows in the back and plenty of room to get it on.

That video looks fake to me. Why would she film a dildo scene before banging some old guy with a tiny wiener?

I started a similar thread about local news babes. Check it out:



FO Admin / "selfish idiot mod" (he/they)
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Why didn't anyone inform me of this 9 year bump? Just can't get the staff these days.