which is more hot?

1. A girl that loves to watch herself in a mirror as she is getting f*cked ?
2. A girl that loves having sex on camera and then masturbates in front of you while watching the playback?
Those are two pretty good options, but I would opt for #2. If she masturbates to the video at least I can be sure that she's received some pleasure after minutes of awkward lovemakin'.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
#2 is way hot. Better is #2 when her girlfriends come over to watch the playback with you.

::flashes the pervert membership badge::

I'm gonna need to see that video. As a matter of .. um.. national insecurity?


what the fuck you lookin at?
I'm gonna say #2 by far!
It doesn't matter, anybody around here would slam closed their laptops and throw away the sock they were about to jerk off into in the unlikely event that either opportunity presented itself.

Haha! You still spooge into a sock! How 1997! You mean people still do that? I thought everyone had moved on to the empty bag of chips. My, how DOES the other half live...
The second way sounds very hot!


Take a Hit, Spunker!
Those are both awesome, I have to say mirrors is the best. Nothing like making love to a girl doggystyle and her going crazy watching in the mirrors :)
3. A girl who has sex with you then sits in the corner and rubs grated parmesan all over her body and then poors al dente pasta on her head and lets you eat it off?

I think ill have to go for #3
3. A girl who has sex with you then sits in the corner and rubs grated parmesan all over her body and then poors al gente pasta on her head and lets you eat it off?

I think ill have to go for #3

Another vote for #3! :glugglug: