which is grossest?

Which is the grossest

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You forgot beastiality. I could be mistaken cause l never heard of half that shit on the list.
thing is, while I don't tend to watch if it's a black guy shagging a white or asian woman (or indeed a black woman) tbh i'm not that arsed about white men shagging black women either - I just don't find black people very sexually attractive.

I do have a general fetish for seeing white guy-asian women videos especially indian women. We need more!
so, if blueballs is fisting guys, is that like a combination of scat etc, and hardcore gay? 'cause neither seemed hot until i imagined blue's resonate british accent faking a french accent, "honestly, son, my hand will fit in there."

now i might have to re-vote...
Out of every vile and degenerate thing you listed (except for interracial), scat, vomit, piss, shit and any excrement wins the grand prize.

PS. You forgot to list beastiality or any form of human/animal sex.

Those who are grossed out by interracial porn are "racists"... so does that mean that those who are grossed out by gay porn are 'homophobes'? Maybe so...:rolleyes:

People get turned on by different things, and if some get grossed out by interracial porn that doesn't mean they are racist, just like some of you get grossed out with gays or trannies and that doesn't mean you hate them..hopefully!!?

Also, bisexual and transsexual are not the same thing, so I don't know what is it doing in the same category.

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
Doesn't 2 girls 1 cup belong to the scat category?

And how come some people are more disgusted by trannies than by scat?


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Anything to do with poop is the winner.
Just disgusting. :throwup:


what the fuck you lookin at?
Just pointing that out beastiality isn't on the list. It's pretty fucked up! Yet all over the net!


Die For Me
I cant stand those interracial scenes where naked old trannys perform ass to mouth with a gay guy, then finish by either felching, snowballing or cumswapping. And just when you thought it was over, Max Hardcore comes in from out of nowhere and proceeds to vomit, piss and shit on everyone! Afterwards he forces them to watch 2 girls 1 cup and 1 guy 1 cup too. The nerve of that man :mad:

But thats just me :dunno:
I don't know. I honestly do not care. Obviously someone is watching and supporting these to keep them going all these years.

I remember Hardcore Holly, or Extreme Holly, whatever her name is. Well, she got puked on right on the face by this other girl in a kitchen. They laughed and touched themselves, fucked and puked more on each other, and ended it by her putting all the puke both of them regurgitated into a blender and drinking it. I thought, that's really odd. I wasn't turned off or turned on. I just found it odd that somewhere along the line someone is kneeling down getting puked on in the face and laughs about it.

What the hell??

It's just going to get all the more extreme and all the more out of this world before all we have is, oh yeah, the simple act of penis in the vagina and then say good night afterward!

I personally find reading erotic literature satisfying. It has a build up, plot, great details and all that. That is why I like story lines in some videos. Even then, I don't know, kind of out of porn in a sense.

I find satisfaction in a few models here and there and stories :D