Which phone is a better phone? and why need some help.
Well, first, better for what? What would your primary use be? Each mobile OS has its pluses and minuses, depending on what your primary use is. Because of corporate IT limitations at my new company, I wouldn't be allowed to have an Android device as a "bring your own device" option. They allow iOS, BlackBerry and Windows Phone, but not Android.
As for which "phone" is better, as many have pointed out, Android is a broad (and rather fragmented) mobile operating system, not a phone. And even the same Android based phone might have different features and functions than the same phone on another network. Many companies don't allow the Android OS on their networks because that particular OS has a rep for having issues with malware, viruses, privacy/data leakage and overall security. Google (and its partners) probably need to do a better job of vetting the developers that are on the Google Play store at least.
Each OS has its
fanbois & fangurls. So the best thing to do is figure out what your primary needs are and then look at the network carrier that you'd likely use, that has the best plan prices and the particular phone that you might want. Whether you go with an iPhone 5, a Galaxy S4, the new BlackBerry Z10 or some version of the Windows Phone, none of them is going to truly change your life or be all that much better than the others. The last two companies I've worked for have hounded me to take a smartphone. But just because I like being a stubborn bastard and don't like being told what I have to do, I've resisted since the
Crackberry was the "it" phone to carry. I've been using the same featureless flip phone for ten years. I make and take calls - that's it. I don't Twitter, Facebook or text. I hate that shit. If you really need me and it's important, then call me... or don't.
But I'll probably have to fold with this new company and buy a smartphone this year. They use WiFi blockers in some parts of some of their facilities. So my little iPod Touch (an iPhone that's not a phone) isn't getting it done. I'm going to go with an iPhone, mainly because I know the quality will be there (the price of an iPhone or a Galaxy is the same for most anyone who is on a contract) and I'm already in the Apple ecosystem and have loads of apps. For me, it's just easier to stay with what I'm already familiar with. My second choice would probably be the new BlackBerry. Next, a Windows Phone. And lastly, a Samsung Galaxy. There's nothing wrong with the Galaxy, per se. But like I said, its use would be severely restricted within my new company and they wouldn't chip in on the bill, like they would for approved devices.