^ ^
You had recently, in another thread, assured the extremist right winged red neck gunutterz that they would have to be looney - paranoid sycophants if they thought that the gumment would ever disarm them, no ?
Correct. I don't think that the government is out to get them. The government likes them because they are against all of the people that the government is really out to get- gays, minorities, people who are in favor of seperation of church and state, drug users, pornographers, environmentalists, immigrants, anti-capitalists...
...All of the people that the Right-Wing thinks the government is for.
The government only pretends to be in favor of these people so that they can get rid of them and replace them with people that represent the opposite of thier ageda, as well as encouraging those same Right-Wingers to oppose them, instead of actually opposing the government which is what they would be doing if they weren't tricked into rebelling against the wrong people- The people that are on their same side against the real Big Brother government.