Chloe Vevrier (and my ERC and Gianna views) ...
To me, the bust is nothing without the hourglass form surrounding it, the full symphony of attributes neck-to-toe (ignoring the top).
That includes the fact that a man is also more than just his manhood, as it is his entire form that engages and intertwines with a woman, even if his penis and other appendages, mouth or other attribute is focusing on one or more of hers.
There is only one answer I could give:
Gianna Michaels
Gianna is the extremely rare, super-S form on a wider, fuller form -- extremely rare for a hourglass already, which is extremely rare (maybe 1 in 10,000).
But her overall sum of attributes is probably not as perfect as they could be in form, even if one of the most erotic and male lusting overall, and I don't think I can point to anyone else who bests it either, with the same, extreme super-S (from the side) form.
I have a feeling this type of thread has probably been done about a thousand times before but I'm going to say Erica Campbell.
From the most broadly based figure, I'd have to agree that
Erica Rose Campbell (ERC) has probably the most perfect form, neck to toe, for her frame, hips and full rear, that matches her ample, proportional bust for her perfect hourglass.
I've regularly commented that ERC could be the closest, on-Earth representation of God Herself in Her form, that I know of.
Top it off with one of the hottest, sweet by unassumingly sultry brunette profile, no question, he's universally regarded as perfect by most.
But in my view, the extreme, full and ample curves of
Chloe Vevrier takes the cake, hands down.
The proportions of her attributes are extreme in size, very, very ample, but seem to "fit together" in a way that doesn't seem wrong.
Her hourglass form is perfect from every angle, an erotic form with the bust jutting in, out, sideways, hanging, flowing, etc..., especially with age as well as when she was "more pert."
She almost has the Super-S form from the side, although not quite as extreme as Gianna's, it goes together better overall IMHO.
Kerry Marie also came extremely close before she went into her more recent, super-plump (with a seriously protruding and unhealthy gut form.