Which FreeOnes members would you follow on Twitter?


Official Checked Star Member
I'm on twitter a lot, mostly - like Petra - giving updates on projects, girls that I am shooting, new DVD's or websites I have coming out...
Link in my sig below...
is Twitter essentially just a facebook update status shiz?

If so...well yeah, i don't use facebook status update crap so...yeah.

LAME. No one wants to hear about what I ate for dinner or what it looked like when I crapped it out :p
Why would I post random blurbs about my day for complete strangers to read? If I have something important to talk about, such as freaks on the bus, hot girls that I'm perving over, or particularly gnarly shits that I take I send a text message to a like-minded individual that I know will be interested. I doubt anyone on the internet is gonna give a rat's ass what I do or don't do.
It's big with Republicans, so I've read.

I have NEVER used Twitter. :hatsoff:
Why would I post random blurbs about my day for complete strangers to read? If I have something important to talk about, such as freaks on the bus, hot girls that I'm perving over, or particularly gnarly shits that I take I send a text message to a like-minded individual that I know will be interested. I doubt anyone on the Internet is gonna give a rat's ass what I do or don't do.

I have NEVER used Twitter. :hatsoff:

So I guess you won't be Twittering every time you massage your man-boobs with cocoa butter lotion? :confused:


Your loss. :rubbel:

So I guess you won't be Twittering every time you massage your man-boobs with cocoa butter lotion? :confused:


Your loss. :rubbel:


I could send you the pictures to your cell phone, if you want. Then you wouldn't have to be near a computer to watch me butter up my nipples and play with them. :pukey:
My dog's snoring in her sleep... 12:45 4/2/09

Will E Worm

I'm not on Twitter, but I'm on a few other journal sites.

Much more goes on than just what someone ate or a story about their pet.
