Not unless you measure the beauty of every single women of every country throughout the world are you going to ever find an answer to this question. And it cannot happen, there are to many countries and women in the world for them all to be "measured", and how are you going to judge these women? Are they all going to have to go through a Miss World style pagent, oh wait there already is one of those :dunno:. So how exactly are you going to pull this off?
Err......whare was I, oh yeah and even by narrowing down the choice to three countries how do you know that the most beautiful women in the world come from there? Have you personally looked at every single woman living in these particular countries and made the dicission or have you just seen a few pictures of a couple hot women from each of those countries and thought to yourself beauty must be from there. Or is this just random.
How do you know the most beautiful women in the world doesnt come from Israel or Saudi Arabia? You cant because the attractiveness of a woman cant be judged by where they come from, there are to many variables for anyone to decide that.
Not a lot of thought it seems has gone into the creation of this thread, for shame :nono:
And as it has been stated before, this thread has been done to death. SEARCH!!!