Where is the biggest white Penis ?

I am looking for photo or film that has the very biggest and white penis.

My friend is a chinese girl who has europeun boyfrend.
She says that he has the biggest penis - she has ever seen on her life.

- and she wants me to get photo of more big white peniss
Please help :eek: :helpme:


Zhang said:
I am looking for photo or film that has the very biggest and white penis.

My friend is a chinese girl who has europeun boyfrend.
She says that he has the biggest penis - she has ever seen on her life.

- and she wants me to get photo of more big white peniss
Please help :eek: :helpme:

What he means is "I want to look at big dicks, I am a raging shirt lifter"
:pukey: :conehead:
whos the black guy with the curved one. he also does rap videos at the end of his movies. his rap videos are rather funny. and lets all realize we are talking about other dude cocks. lets talk about the fatest pussy


Zhang said:
I am looking for photo or film that has the very biggest and white penis.

My friend is a chinese girl who has europeun boyfrend.
She says that he has the biggest penis - she has ever seen on her life.

- and she wants me to get photo of more big white peniss
Please help :eek: :helpme:

Why Hello LR, long time no see! :D

I don't know what's more disturbing, the fact that you would ask this question or the fact that it's gotten so many replies. :rofl:
There was some dude with long hair who was in a porn commercial on spice once... he was in a photo shoot in a magazine with a hot blonde once and he has the biggest head I have ever see on a cock before...

Perhaps someone knows what I am talking about
Theres none bigger than Dan Steale but Im not sure where to find a pic?
You dont think there is any possibility a woman might indulge in this convo hoping for an answer?