Given that I've hit every OFFICIAL web-site, along with posting all the information that you've requested, I'm at a loss for what it is you're looking for exactly. I tend to stay away from "fan-dedication" sites... none of those links listed are fan-dedication sites. Those are the REAL deal, administered by the specific ladies or their management.
Maybe - JUST MAYBE - they've gotten out of the business, man. It happens, y'know. Who knows?? See below...
On a side note, you're welcome for the information.
Here's yet another suggestion -
If you frequent those clubs you listed, try talking to the manager... they're usually somewhat forthcoming on how to request a specific performer. Or. at least, they are here in Houston. We've got two of the same clubs you listed.
If that doesn't work... hell, I don't know what else to tell you other than 'good luck... you're gonna need it.'