Where Do You Hide Your Porn

Will E Worm

Why and who are you hiding it from?

Be a man and don't hide things. :tongue:

Unless it's money or something valuable.
I've hidden a video of my ex doing a striptease in the one of the subfolders of a video game I have on my old laptop. Other than that, I don't have anything hidden.
Funny story...when i was much younger and was stealing Playboy's from my father...i once attempted to hide one in the window. It was a split second decision in order to get rid of it before my mother came through my door. Anyway i landed open to the centerfold and i forgot about it, that is until my father mowed the lawn that weekend. Quite possibly one of the most awkward things to ever happen to me.
Mags are in a shoe box, most stuff is in my computer, not hiding it from my wife though, she knows i'm a sex addict and "allows" me to watch porn. I guess it's better than the alternative, cheating!
Why would i want to hide it?...

... side compartment of my entertainment center, under Indiana Jones.

Most of it is on my computer. I haven't yet expressed it to my current girlfriend:helpme:
I hide my magazines in a drawer.

In my PC, I've hidden it in a folder named "Mortal Kombat 4" in my "Games" directory to cause confusion if someone else sits on the computer, since chances are that they won't start playing Mortal Kombat :p
I don´t really hide it. My friends built something like a huge oak treasure chest for my birthday. They painted it black and painted my sig on top. It´s the shit. It even got different drawers for different types of porn. (MILF, DP, Anime, German, American, etc...). :glugglug:
I don't have to hide it but just in case, password protected files in my hard drive or a password protected flash drive that I keep hidden near the PC.
All my dvds are in the safe with all my wife's toys, so are 4 year old doesn't play with them. She has seen the lube bottle a few times and thinks it is hand sanitizer. And i have all my computer shit on an external drive, cause we did foster care for a kid who used my pc sometimes. Kids change things a little bit.
On my HDD, in my personnal account, and on some unlabeled DVDs.