Where are the Black Woman in Porn?

there is not many black woman in porn because there isn't that demand for them. porn is just any other business the demand is for light skinned women imo. this is not a matter of racism because as any1 can perceive interracial is quite popular with black dudes getting plenty of love in movies and from lovely white porn actress. most black dudes would wanna bang white chicks anyways, so that leaves a very small market for black female pornstars. there just hasnt been that many attractive black woman in porn either besides lacey duvalle.
:2 cents:
I seriously doubt "most black dudes would wanna bang white chicks anyway." That seems discriminatory to me and, well, wrong.

I have opinions about interracial porn--there are elements with it that I like a lot and elements I don't like....but let me throw this statement out for all to discuss...

I think black women porn stars cherish their bodies and their representation on camera more so than white porn actresses. I think black women choose not to be "paid" to be nasty where white girls/women are willing to be paid to be nasty.
I think black women porn stars cherish their bodies and their representation on camera more so than white porn actresses. I think black women choose not to be "paid" to be nasty where white girls/women are willing to be paid to be nasty.

There's no way to prove or to disprove it, as none of us have enough inside information. BTW, what do you mean with choose not to pe paid & willing to be paid?

Do you mean that black women are unwilling to be nasty on screen or are you sayng they'll be nasty on screen for free???

Anyway, we're talking about individuals here (this part applies to the poster you responded to as well), so some may not be willing to do some things, others are. I think that the color of one's skin is of little influence when it comes to the willingness to do things (either be nasty, do interracial, etc).
There's no way to prove or to disprove it, as none of us have enough inside information. BTW, what do you mean with choose not to pe paid & willing to be paid?

Do you mean that black women are unwilling to be nasty on screen or are you sayng they'll be nasty on screen for free???

Anyway, we're talking about individuals here (this part applies to the poster you responded to as well), so some may not be willing to do some things, others are. I think that the color of one's skin is of little influence when it comes to the willingness to do things (either be nasty, do interracial, etc).

I base my statements on the scenes I watch, not on real life.

From what I can tell--black women don't "get into" the scene as aggressive as white women. I think this means they are more guarded and protective of their bodies and distrustful of the male participant.

There are exceptions to these statements, but it's just my overall assessment of black women in porn. I want to see more black women in porn, and I think we can get more if there is more of a "trust building" between producer/director and talent. Lots of interracial white man/black woman porn seems to be a lot of "going through the motions" without any genuine interest...I think.
We are in a changing world. Soon we will have our first black president. Black people are found in law firms, professorships, doctors offices and anywhere else important work is being done.
But the Porn World still looks like 1955!
With the exception of a few woman like Jada Fire, black porn stars are still relegated to Blacks only productions. Heck black woman are still referred to as "ebonies" a word that reeks of the 1950's.
So why aren't more black woman working in mainstream porn?
Don't tell me about "the south". That's a small part of the market.
Something is really wrong with an industry whose racial attitudes seem in many, but not all cases, to be stuck in the past.
It's time for a change.


So what you want a sort of fainess doctrine for porn?

By the way were have you been fellah? there's a lot of them it just happens that a lot of them are uglier than their white, latina or interracial mixed ones like India, Tia Sweets, Vanessa del Rio, Obsession, Mariah, Ice la Fox, etc...

On a personal level I like to see chicks that contrast my skin color, so I am more towards Russians, Eastern Euro, American, British, light skinned latinas...most of the black chics are way too fat, strecht marks, hood tatoos, fake hair and horse teeth like Vanessa Blue...so I might think there are a lot of fellahs that have the same feelings out there...maybe you should ask for some fairness doctrine in porn, other than that I don't see the point of your complaint about not enough in the bizz...
there is not many black woman in porn because there isn't that demand for them. porn is just any other business the demand is for light skinned women imo. this is not a matter of racism because as any1 can perceive interracial is quite popular with black dudes getting plenty of love in movies and from lovely white porn actress. most black dudes would wanna bang white chicks anyways, so that leaves a very small market for black female pornstars. there just hasnt been that many attractive black woman in porn either besides lacey duvalle.:2 cents:
Thank you!!
^I seriously doubt "most black dudes would wanna bang white chicks anyway." That seems discriminatory to me and, well, wrong. I have opinions about interracial porn--there are elements with it that I like a lot and elements I don't like....but let me throw this statement out for all to discuss...I think black women porn stars cherish their bodies and their representation on camera more so than white porn actresses. I think black women choose not to be "paid" to be nasty where white girls/women are willing to be paid to be nasty.

I have a lot of black buddies who seems to be always boning whiet chicks and going gaga over them..most complaint that they have about black women is:their attitude, fake hair that they like to use, stretch marks/dry skin patches...About nastiness have you seen Jada Fire, Maria Luv, Tia Sweets, Lacey Duvalle, Vanessa Blue, Monique, India...just to mention a few...they are pretty hardcore.
I have to admit being half black myself I agree with most of these post.

I tend to like interracial porn because I happen to fantasize a lot about white(Latin & Asian) women. Plus, a lot of white women happen love the brothas too. I don't think a lot of white men like black women, and a lot sistas don't like white men.

In my personal life I love black women and there are so many hotties here in south florida. My girlfriend in particular is black/cuban, such a hottie.

You cant say the same in porn. :dunno:
I have to admit being half black myself I agree with most of these post.

I tend to like interracial porn because I happen to fantasize a lot about white(Latin & Asian) women. Plus, a lot of white women happen love the brothas too. I don't think a lot of white men like black women, and a lot sistas don't like white men.

In my personal life I love black women and there are so many hotties here in south florida. My girlfriend in particular is black/cuban, such a hottie.

You cant say the same in porn. :dunno:

I don't think its that they don't 'don't like' each other, but feel strange asking one another out. They both assume that they're not interesting in each other [based on race] so they don't bother.

there is not many black woman in porn because there isn't that demand for them. porn is just any other business the demand is for light skinned women imo. this is not a matter of racism because as any1 can perceive interracial is quite popular with black dudes getting plenty of love in movies and from lovely white porn actress. most black dudes would wanna bang white chicks anyways, so that leaves a very small market for black female pornstars. there just hasnt been that many attractive black woman in porn either besides lacey duvalle.
:2 cents:

That's the stupidest thing I ever read. First of all, there are light skin black women. Black people come in all shades of brown. Secondly 'most black dudes would wanna bang white chicks anyways' is ridiculous. What the general conscience that black men find attractive are women who are VERY curvy, hips and a big ass. White women don't exactly have that in spades.

I agree that there are not enough black girls in porn. But there are some but most of them are incredibly unattractive besides Lacey Duvalle. its a disgrace the internet needs more black pornstars!!!!!!!

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India is hot and there was a cute girl that called herself Promise, but other than those two, I don't think black porn is well represented in the looks department. I see hot black women daily but hot black women for whatever reason just don't choose to do porn.