when your boss is getting on your nerves...

lol 2 addicting sites...
BUBBLE WRAP!!!!!!! Still can't resist that stuff. The other one was cool, but I have to go with the bubble wrap sheet. :nanner:



It's good to be the king...
Evil Twin said:
Would like to exchange that girl for a pic of my boss :rofl:

likewise - could have used my ex-boss instead....
I loved the bubble wrap, but that first one was downright hilarious...
I kept pulling "Matrix" moves with it.
Bubble wrap was kinda fun in manic mode. You just can't compare it to actually squishing the real deal. lol

The falling woman thing was pretty cool - she looked like Ellen DeGeneres' ex who went crazy (forgot her name). I was waiting for spikes or something though at the end...lmao In the thing for me, she ended up lodged on top of 2 balls at the end, which is I guess not bad since she's a woman in a bikini. lol