When You Tune Into A Business Program But A Woman Is Guest Hosting Do You Unplug Your TV, Pack It Up, And Return It To The Store Demanding A Refund?

I may try to diversify my financial portfolio but I’m not diverse who I take advice from. Only listen to people who know the value of a dollar. That would be men since we work hard and earn our money.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
I may try to diversify my financial portfolio but I’m not diverse who I take advice from. Only listen to people who know the value of a dollar. That would be men since we work hard and earn our money.
Liz Claman can give me advice any day of the week. I may not take it, but the delivery is good. Then again, I can’t say I listen or watch. :)

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I never watch that stuff, because I would never use it. If anything I'm likely gonna stock up on gold, silver, ammunition, and spare firearms parts. The way ordinance is flying everywhere, in every part of the world at one time or another, I would rather put crisp $100's in my safe, then trust a bank not to crash, because the owners or investors are from some country we now are at odds with, or are at odds with others. I just can't trust anyone, anymore. I would rather gain no interest, and know what I have is what I have, then roll the dice for a 1% or 2%..
Business program ? I watch TV for fun, not for business !