guesses: 1. June 28 11:24pm 2. July 8 7:39pm 3. July 19 8:59pm
P psychopriest Apr 8, 2009 #283 Monday, 13th April 22:30 hrs Monday, 13th April 16:00 hrs Tuesday,14th April 12:00 hrs
bendher Apr 9, 2009 #287 1st Guess= May 22th at 11:00 AM 2nd Guess= May 28th at 9:00 AM 3rd Guess= June 16th at 11:00 AM (All Amsterdam time zone)
1st Guess= May 22th at 11:00 AM 2nd Guess= May 28th at 9:00 AM 3rd Guess= June 16th at 11:00 AM (All Amsterdam time zone)
T_C Apr 11, 2009 #299 Already had my three now I'm waiting to see if my guesses were right or if I post the 3 millionth post.
Already had my three now I'm waiting to see if my guesses were right or if I post the 3 millionth post.