When 30yo Foreign War Remembrance Is More Relavant Than 7 Kids Shot in SChool


Official Checked Star Member
I'm pretty shocked to see that CNN, but also other major news portals, headline 30 years ago war in the Falklands on their homepage, while the kid shooting 7 kids in a Californian college this morning occupies one line in small characters on the bottom left (More News) of the homepage. Do you Americans really give more of a fuck about the British attacking in forces an island smaller than Manhattan 30 years ago than your own kids being shot once again at school by another kid?

This are the news taking more space than the college shooting on CNN homepage as a write:

China cracks down on 'coup rumors'
Should Suu Kyi win mean less sanctions?
Autism advocate: 'I was invisible...'
African girl making waves in sailing (!!!!!)
Futuristic farm shop grows food in store
Syria promises to pull forces from population centers
Conroy: Don't forget missing activists
Mass shootings are now a common occurence in the US, if they all made the front pages there might actually be a call for greater gun control or even the banning of guns, the powerful gun lobby in the US wouldn't want that would they. Gun lobby = Media. ps The Falklands war may be 30 years old but things could well flare up again very soon, especially if the Argentinians keep claiming an Island that was under British control before they (Argentina) even became a nation :rolleyes:


Closed Account
As far as the everyday person is concerned, we really didn't care 30 yrs ago. The only interest was who the government was going to back. The arms manufacturers did just to see how the products worked in a "real life scenario".


Closed Account
i really dont give a shit about anything on the news, as long as my family isnt in it. as for the kids in oakland, r.i.p. but they weren't the only ones that died today, so get over it.
OMG! WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE!! In all seriousness, if you think CNN is a good indicator of what people care about, you probably don't completely understand how the "media" works.
The biggest thing the media is focused on is the crap with Trayvon Martin, granted that jackass Zimmerman couldn't keep his gun to himself and has to shoot someone who doesn't even appear to have done anything, especially some neighborhood watch jackass. This case has proved that not only FOX manipulates the information, but NBC does instead of reporting the real news. They but such a spin on it to make it look like the Zimmerman was a racist and etc. And this was not the case when the real sound clip came to light.


So it should be no shock that the media is more focused on the Falkland islands war instead of what just occurred today. Just perfect proof that the information we are given from the media is COMPLETELY manipulated. This is why we should all do something called "THINKING"


Official Checked Star Member
OMG! WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE!! In all seriousness, if you think CNN is a good indicator of what people care about, you probably don't completely understand how the "media" works.

I find it outrageous that you scream at me.
But then you surely were one of those who clicked on the

"African girl making waves in sailing"

article this morning. And so my outrage turns into compassion.


Official Checked Star Member
The biggest thing the media is focused on is the crap with Trayvon Martin, granted that jackass Zimmerman couldn't keep his gun to himself and has to shoot someone who doesn't even appear to have done anything, especially some neighborhood watch jackass. This case has proved that not only FOX manipulates the information, but NBC does instead of reporting the real news. They but such a spin on it to make it look like the Zimmerman was a racist and etc. And this was not the case when the real sound clip came to light.


So it should be no shock that the media is more focused on the Falkland islands war instead of what just occurred today. Just perfect proof that the information we are given from the media is COMPLETELY manipulated. This is why we should all do something called "THINKING"

That's what i was hoping to hear.
Mass shootings are now a common occurence in the US, if they all made the front pages there might actually be a call for greater gun control or even the banning of guns, the powerful gun lobby in the US wouldn't want that would they.

OMG! WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE!! In all seriousness, if you think CNN is a good indicator of what people care about, you probably don't completely understand how the "media" works.

exactly. the american media is as corrupt as its politicians. if you pay enough attention to it, you will see which have "red state" or "blue state" opinions and agendas.
not really related to this post, but still a good point of the influence outside parties have on politics, and lack of integrity of politicians... when nixon ran for reelection, mcdonalds paid him 1 million dollars towards his campaign if he would freeze minimum wage during his time in office.
I find it outrageous that you scream at me.
But then you surely were one of those who clicked on the

"African girl making waves in sailing"

article this morning. And so my outrage turns into compassion.

I definitely didn't. That awful pun of a headline doesn't deserve any attention.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Why should the yanks care about the Falklands war? It's not like the UK can manage a second one.

cindy CD/TV

CNN fucking blows. I'm surprised they stopped obsessing over Trayvon Martin long enough to acknowledge ANYTHING else. :facepalm: The network's fixation on race (see Soledad O'Brien and her "specials") is more than a little disturbing. :2 cents:

I agree that the media in general is manipulating and lying to the public. And I think they always have, to some degree. But the last 4-5 years have been beyond the pale.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I'm pretty sure more than seven people have died today.
What's this about NBC?

There is a sound clip from when Zimmerman called 911, and NBC edited it in such that it sounded like it was about race. They were race baiting by doing this and although I don't think Fox is a good news outlet either, but FOX called them out on it and played the original clip and you can hear the poor editing and how different each clip can be interpreted.
Just proof right there that ALL news media outlets manipulate the information instead of just reporting the news.
Mass shootings are now a common occurence in the US, if they all made the front pages there might actually be a call for greater gun control or even the banning of guns, the powerful gun lobby in the US wouldn't want that would they. Gun lobby = Media. ps The Falklands war may be 30 years old but things could well flare up again very soon, especially if the Argentinians keep claiming an Island that was under British control before they (Argentina) even became a nation :rolleyes:

Gun lobby = media??? Who knew that the NRA and Smith & Wesson pooled their resources and purchased Disney, GE, Westinghouse, NewsCorp and Time Warner?? That might be the most ridiculous thing I've ever read on here. Within an hour of one of these tragedies there will be several misleading, inaccurate and clumsy headlines talking about how somebody "legally bought a firearm online" or used "cop-killer bullets" or had a "high-powered fully automatic rifle that can be purchased in any gun store" or whatever other cliched, bullshit terms and phrases that are in the uninformed, anti-gun tool box. Even Fox News is guilty of that shit. The first thing the media does is track down the gun store where the gun was purchased and then explain how easy the gun was to purchase.

You're waaay off here. I've never even heard of somebody trying to suggest that the media is owned by the "gun lobby" or that the news media ever painted firearms or the 2nd Amendment in a remotely positive light. Even among staunch anti-gun folks I've never heard that charge. And that's because anybody who lives here couldn't possibly attempt to try to say that with a straight face. I guess you didn't hear; the whole entire news media has spent every waking moment of the last two+ weeks exploiting every single detail of a single shooting death and, believe me, there was no shying away from debating Florida's gun laws and gun laws in general. Not one bit.

And, tho' I can't speak for CNN's website, this horrible school shooting today was the top story om every cable news channel and local news station that I flipped through. Reporters can't wait to update people with body counts and pictures of the shooter along with personal accounts from his neighbors and whatnot. The more cold bodies, the bigger the erection count in the newsroom.

Will E Worm

CNN: Communist News Network

They should be all over this shooting. Like they were with Columbine.

It's all about gun control and control over you and your life.


Is somewhere outhere.
Until the US start banning the use of guns there will always be shootings like this happening,and that will never
happen. :1orglaugh

As for Argentina.Well that's a country full of exiled Nazi's and a former Spanish colony,so they'll know if they try
their shit again,we'll have a present waiting to send them on their merry way ;)

Rule Brittania!!!! :sing: