huge meteor. instant-impact, instant death. or WorldWarIII
what's your preferred Apocalypse?
I've always had this strange dream that giant aliens in spaceships land on earth, and all of these giant aliens have giant baseball bats and when they step out of their spaceships, they start to swing away at anything and everything...the fucking weird thing about this dream is that R.E.M's It's The End Of The World As We Know It is playing continuously throughout this dream.
and No, I'm not on any fucking drugs...
Mine is Forest Fruits...
What? :dunno:
Is that not what you meant?
I think the best way would be for everyone to infect each other with HIV and the last 100 people to still be alive get a free frogurt.
Ooooooooh.What flavour.Do we get to choose????
Failing that,i think it would be appropriate if the world just ended with a single tiny pop.
Well, I just read the IMdB synopsis with spoilers, and I gotta say: another stupid M Night movie.![]()