what's your preferred Apocalypse?

Wouldn't this be better (and more fun) in poll form? ;)
I pick - 'Drowning in a sea of pussy'


Postal Paranoiac
Like in the bible. God should just come down here and kick our asses.
I think the best way would be for everyone to infect each other with HIV and the last 100 people to still be alive get a free frogurt.



Special Operations FOX-HOUND
THE Apocalypse, like Maily said, like in The Holy Book.
-Overnight extinction of mankind from Earth.

-Double Chernobyl expolsion.

-A tiny malfunction in both Russia's and America's early missile warning systems, then get a global blow job.

-A super infecting virus from Africa.

-A chain of super natural disasters.

-Sun goes nuts and overheats the Earth.

-Sun goes nuts and blows entire Solar System.

-Moon sized asteroid to Earth.

-Zombiefyied wild animals.
It's hard for my lil' brain to process "preferred" with "apocalypse" but I'd have to go with something super-religious, just for the surprise (to me) factor. But it'd be really cool if it turned out that all organized religions were way off in major and undeniable ways. Heaven is "down below" and a team of 7 goddesses rule there, while Hell is hidden in a huge thundercloud, with Satan being personified by someone few would truly suspect. Tim Russert (!!!), Laura Bush, or Britney Spears... I don't know.

I'd like the Apocalypse to be relatively quick, without any kind of purgatory-type limbo or whatever. If it was religiousy and involved an afterlife, I'd wanna know real quick whether I should pack my winter or summer clothes.
It's hard for my lil' brain to process "preferred" with "apocalypse" but I'd have to go with something super-religious, just for the surprise (to me) factor. But it'd be really cool if it turned out that all organized religions were way off in major and undeniable ways. Heaven is "down below" and a team of 7 goddesses rule there, while Hell is hidden in a huge thundercloud, with Satan being personified by someone few would truly suspect. Tim Russert (!!!), Laura Bush, or Britney Spears... I don't know.

Wait, you DON'T think Britney Spears would be obvious as Satan?

I was thinking someone where we would go "No shit... he really IS the prince of darkness!" Like Ozzy. :banger:

Right this is the correct thread. I posted this in Girls with Short Hair thread earlier for some reason LOL.

I would opt for a zombie apocalypse [Romero style] :banger: