What's your phobia?

We know what you mean free4440273.
Phobia's, fears and dislikes; all the same to me but my new one is dirty fingernails.
I was shopping the other day and the girl at the till was chatting me, not bad considering it doesn't happen very often.
She was a really nice brunette down past her shoulders, beautiful skin with not a bit of makeup but my god the shock when I saw her nails; looked like she had been digging the garden!:eek:
We know what you mean free4440273.
Phobia's, fears and dislikes; all the same to me but my new one is dirty fingernails.
I was shopping the other day and the girl at the till was chatting me, not bad considering it doesn't happen very often.
She was a really nice brunette down past her shoulders, beautiful skin with not a bit of makeup but my god the shock when I saw her nails; looked like she had been digging the garden!:eek:

:1orglaugh gives new meaning to the phrase to be 'green-fingered'.


Closed Account
We know what you mean free4440273.
Phobia's, fears and dislikes; all the same to me but my new one is dirty fingernails.
I was shopping the other day and the girl at the till was chatting me, not bad considering it doesn't happen very often.
She was a really nice brunette down past her shoulders, beautiful skin with not a bit of makeup but my god the shock when I saw her nails; looked like she had been digging the garden!:eek:

I'm the same that is pure gross. I also hate it when I look at a nice set and see dirty nails and half painted old scratched up manicures. Come on they are taking pictures of you show up prepared. Thousands for a boob job and won't pay a few bucks for a manicure and a pedicure? :dunno:

Details do matter in this world.

I'm in that situation now. Was working with something greasy yesterday and it's still showing.
omg! Since posting here i've become fixated in watching people. Not really phobia's but should be.
A new one for me. Yesterday I collected my wifes car from the garage after having some minor work done and the mechanic was stood there picking his nose with his little finger and eating it.
I pointed this out to the wife and she said that he does it all the time, I must have just never noticed before.:pukey:

Jilly King

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Eww - that's so gross sterobb01. Perhaps he uses it as some kind of mastic??

My phobias are very much the same as you guys - spiders, snakes and dying. Would love to go peacefully in my sleep. I guess I shall do it alone as guys seem to be 'scared' of me these days and stay away. (Apparently THEY can't handle the attention I get!!!) ARRRRGH!
Cheer up everyone! All this talk of dying? This is far worse.
Personally those kind of spiders freak me out the most. Rather have a big fat Tarantula any day than the freaky ones.
Sorrt if I scared anyone.:thumbsup:
I recently became obsessed about dirty publi toilets!!! Whether going for a no.1 or no.2, doesn't matter whether it's the seat, the chain or door handle; I find myself washing my hands two or three times.
Some people are disgusting.