Whats your New Years Resolution for 2010?

Good ambition...why did you come up with the number 156...if I may ask!!! I try to stay drunk 356 days of the year (except leap year, of course)...no one needs to know the real me :glugglug:

156 is roughly 3 days a week. I think that's sufficient, considering I have a 5 day work week. Nobody likes going to work hungover.
156 is roughly 3 days a week. I think that's sufficient, considering I have a 5 day work week. Nobody likes going to work hungover.

Hey...I work 5 days a week too but the trick is to have a continuous hangover and no one will ever know when you're not :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
1. Lose Weight
2. Have A Fun Year


Torn & Frayed.
1.Quit smoking
2.Quit eating fried foods
3.Quit eating red meat
4.Quit using foul language
5.Quit watching television
6.Quit listening to any music with an evil influence
7.Give away all of my worldly possessions
8.Go green
9.Convert to Christianity
10.Pray for redemption
(1) Stop baiting the dumb kids
(2) Work harder to free the world of religion
(3) Grieve the American Empire's decay and decline
The first part of this year is going to be tough, taking a new job in January. BUt I'm going to try and get back into fighting shape, and that will entail another stop smoking try... :thumbsup:
its 31st......separating me from the new year is a couple of hours "5 hours and 52 mins"......hope to quit this habit of mine ==> disappearing from the town and ending up surprising everyone around me with the fact that i'm in a total different country! :rolleyes:



I am going to work on my temper. I have a bad one.

Who Knew ? :dunno: :D

Are you a Swede too ? :p

Thanks for the question, marlo ! :

"Whats your New Years Resolution for 2010?"

To evade the Evil All Seeing Eye of da fedz at every turn !

I'll prolly jus' go yellow, brown or dk brown face and maybe incorporate a "z" somewhere in my last name in order to stay :uhem: below the radar
1. Get my car up and running again. :thumbsup:
2. Get the fuck out of Indy! :thumbsup::thumbsup:
I vow to screw fewer porn stars and to masturbate more.

That's funny. My resolution is to screw more porn stars so I can masturbate less. The 2009 ratio wasn't that good as I screwed zero pornstars and masturbated 5,847 times. Gotta work on that! :thumbsup:
That's funny. My resolution is to screw more porn stars so I can masturbate less. The 2009 ratio wasn't that good as I screwed zero pornstars and masturbated 5,847 times. Gotta work on that! :thumbsup:

Well of course you aren't fucking any pornstars, or (I'm guessing) anyone for that matter, you're masturbating 16 times a day! :eek:

Slow down.... savour it. Jeez! I'd be surprised if there's still actually anything there.