I don't know how old you are but I find that people who were exposed to TOS first seem to have an affinity for it. I was born decades after that show premiered. I like Next Generation and Voyager but for me DS9 was the best. The continuing story,the actors, the set, the realness of the characters and the introduction of the Dominion I feel made it greatest of all time.Maybe Namreg feels the same.:2 cents:
i do. i enjoy the other shows (i have even warmed to ENT somewhat recently, but maybe that's just because of the absence of other trek to watch), but DS9 was the best. TNG is a close second. their early seasons were weak, and riker is a horrible actor, but patric stewatr sets the standad for command authority, presence, and acting ability. sisko wasn't of teh same caliber, not even close.
BUT, DS9 had so many great characters (garak is probably the best single character of all trek shows), and a nice balance of action versus storytelling. yes, a few episodes also sucked (some had to be made on small budgets due to the other episodes sucking up all the funding), but on the whole DS9 is the best show.
they had the best enemies on DS9 as well, the cardassians aren't just as one-dimensional as the klingons or romulans, they are a fully developed species. and all their actors were great... dukat, slowly turning from evil military overlord into an insane messiah, damar becoming an alcoholic under dominion rule, and so on.