About 20 years ago, I had a chance to buy a Series 3 (V12 2+2) in decent shape for five grand. It makes me kind of sick to my stomach now that I didn't buy it. It wasn't the one I really wanted, but it was still a classic. Dummyhead me!
- Drifting
- Comical
- 1 rich ass sheik Sasha Baron Cohen do nicely.
- *** power exports
- American power
- Maybe some crazy german efficiency freak testing out some new sexy BMW.
1970 Hemi Cuda but I'll never be able to get one so I guess I will have to settle for my Edelbrock E-Force superchrged 2008 Mustang GT<-----orgasm on wheels!
This was the first car I owned. I only had it for 5 days.
I paid $500 when I was 16 and my mom made me give it back because it was too fast. A 1964 T-Bird with red leather interior and wrap around back seats. Not only did the stearing wheel tilt but could swing left to right. I want it back.