Whats this sudden fascination with...

Black fingernails !!!!

If you're a goth i can understand.....it's just that every 2nd chick has them ATM....

End rant


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
They think it makes them more darker, 'cause they listen to Metal(most).


Closed Account
Maybe its in style I guess don't know or maybe it looks good with the photo shoot I have not seen that many with black finger nails so. :dunno:
I haven't really seen that where I live. I saw PLENTY of them 2 weeks ago at a Marilyn Manson show that I worked, but not too many outside of that.
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Black fingernails are supposed to be "in" right now. I like them, as long as they aren't really long. I actually thought about getting mine done w/black - but I didn't want to waste the money right now on getting my nails done.
I like when women have black fingernails. I wish I could see it more.
Black fingernails meh... what's the sudden fascination with adult models cramming their panties up inside themselves for photo shoots? :dunno:

I'm just glad models are more willing to go into a shoot today with clear or no nail polish unlike in the past. I haven't seen too many black nails yet. It’s a good thing to because they wouldn’t look right.


Closed Account
because someone has put someone on the front of a magazine and everyone is supposed to follow the trend?

Wonder what would happen if a celeb got on the front of Vogue wearing Muslim dress instead? Would people be fickle enough to follow in the name of "fashion"??