What's the worst injury you've ever had?

I've banged the hell out of myself over the years, but the worst (grossest) injury I can remember was cutting my hand with a razor knife. It was when I worked in a grocery store back in my teens. I was cutting a box open and it slipped and I cut the top of my hand from my index finger down to my thumb, in that fleshy area. It cut a vein open and was literally squirting blood. I couldn't get it to stop bleeding and I ran to the bathroom with a blood trail following behind. Took about 15 stitches to close up the vein and wound, and it felt like I lost about 3 pints of blood in the process.

How bout you all. What's the worst you've ever hurt yourself?


I've never broken any bones, but I've been stabbed. A friend bought a knife at an antique shop. I was sitting on the couch, and he was dangling the knife in his hand, which was above my leg. It had a decorative tip, and the hilt + blade fell off the decorative piece and went into my upper thigh. I had to have 10 stitches, and I don't have any feeling in the skin of my left leg, from the upper thigh to the knee.
I was in the kitching attemping to cut some vegatables. I would be working with on of those dumbass infomerical deals. You know, the one where you slide the vegatable on that board that was a build in blade.

Well the "saftey handle" that help the fruit into place was so fucked up we couldnt get it to work right.

So I was cutting celery on that going down one at a time and then I happened to go down a little to far and sliced into the top of my thumb.

I almost lost the tip of my thumb that day but thanks to the miracle of medicines they were able to glue it back together.

Still a little bump there, but at lease I still have the tip of my thumb.


Take a Hit, Spunker!
I never had any broken bones(knock on wood). When I was 6, I crashed my bike on a gravel driveway and almost tore my whole knee off. Lucky nothing too serious happened. Also when I was 8 I crashed my bike into a brick wall and I did a spin and my face grinded along the edge. I knocked myself out and my face was scraped bad. Again nothing too serious happened and I was fine after a few days. I usually try to keep myself away from serious injuries. Oh yeah, when I was 13 I cut my finger to the bone on a broken vase and had to wait until my mom got home from work(nurse) to take me to the hospital she just came from.


Hiliary 2020
I was a union meatcutter for 10 years. Razor sharp Knives, grinders bandsaws.
Try wizzing your fingers a half inch away from a saw blade that'll cut your hand of in a millisecond with a 4 foot, 20 lb., long, wet ,cold and slimy porkloin in the grip of one hand for about 6 hours while some jerk is telling you to "cut faster!"
that'll get ya some injuries.

My worst injury was a broken wrist from being on the recieving end of a superfly swat off the garage roof.
Just remembered, a herniated disc, one of the most painful thing you can imagine, almost crippled me for life.
Let's see... Where do I start on this?

When I was about 3 I was at a party at my grandmother's house. She lived in a housing community where the visitors' parking lot was next to the basketball court, but the court was actually some 6 feet below the level of the parking lot, and the embankment between the two was covered in round river rocks. We were in the process of leaving, with the adults having a post-party get together outside the car, so I started playing with my grandmother's dog. I pretended he was a horse, straddling him and walking with him. Suddenly, he heard some dogs barking on the other side of the basketball court and shot off toward the dogs, with me in tow, my head bouncing on the rocks all the way down the embankment. I don't know what hurt worse: falling down the embankment, or having my uncle, who happens to be a doctor, stitch my head in my grandmother's living room 10 minutes later.

Here's one from when I was 9. There was a rusty, old fence that divided our property from my friend's property at the place where I lived. There was a big hole in the fence which my friend and I used as a doorway between our houses. One day I was crawling back through to get to my house because it was dinner time and I got my knee caught in the fence. It wasn't a regular little scratch that anyone can get while crawling through a fence; I could actually see the bone and the tendons. My mom took me to the ER, where they basically told me to go home. They said that, since it was in a place that didn't have too much flesh and moved constantly, the best thing to do was bandage it up and not stitch it.

I've never had any broken bones, but I dislocated my wrist when I was about 11. I fell off my bike when my friend collided with me as we were racing, and, when I got up, I saw that my right hand was shifted 2 inches to the left of where it normally would be. My friends helped me pop it back into place and I never told my mom about it. That actually gave me a neat little trick that I like to show off frequently: I can dislocate my wrist, quite audibly, at will.

The last one that I'll talk about happened 3 weeks ago. It wasn't exactly gruesome, but it really sucked and it kept me out of work until this morning. We were using a forklift to put a 400-pound stack of truss on a truck. When the forklift raised the truss, the load shifted and came down on my collarbone. No fracture or anything, but it hurt like hell for 2 weeks.
During a session of very steamy hot and rough sex I accidentally got my foreskin ripped and it bled like hell. Was pretty bad, and the damage was irreversible. It however never had any negative effect on its performance.
You should have seen the bed! Man, it was like a bucket of blood was emptied, I almost passed out!
Thanks to my girlfriend and a bath towel we managed to stop the bleeding, I walked like a cowboy for a week!
Dont know if its brutal enough but i had both of my kneecaps pop off a total of 5 times, and with a lot of physical therapy and and meds ive been good for a couple of years.
Got an open fracture in my leg while skateboarding once. Was on crutches for far too long and have a gigantic scar to show for it. Was not a pleasant experience! Nothing can describe the pain, although it stopped hurting due to the shock I assume.


Closed Account
When I was a kid I got pushed over onto my face and I crushed some of the nerves, so one side of my face was constantly tensed up. It looked like I was smiling on one side of my face, only it didn't look like I was happy. I couldn't even talk properly.

Doctors said I would be like it for the rest of my life, thank FUCK they were wrong or I probably would of ended up commiting suicide years ago.

It's pathetic that I've never broken a bone, all the stupid stuff I do when I'm snowboarding and never had a serious injury. I feel cheated :(

lone gunman

Closed Account
I`ve had no serious injury!

Thank you God!:hatsoff:
I broken my left arm twice. :( The 1st time was when I was 9 and I feel off a ladder and th it was really really bad (I seen the x-rays), the 2nd time was when I was 13 and I tripped over something that was hidden in grass but the break wasn't as bad as the first time so it could have been worse. Even though my arm has recovered it hasn't fully so I on ocassion do feel pain in it but I'm so used to it now I just ignore it.


knows petras secret: she farted.
broken wrist. double fracture. and it healed wrong so they had to re-break it. sounds worse than it ... no.. it was even worse than the first time.

right now i think im suffering from some bruised ribs. im very, very sore. that actually hurts a lot more than it sounds. i cant bend down.

ive also had my wrist bitten by a gf back in my depression days (purposely). bleed like fucking crazy. ah, the good old days.

i had sex once with just my cock out of my zipper with the girl on top. i was rubbed so fucking raw it was insane. i didnt feel it til afterwards. everytime i had sex after that for a month or so it burned like a motherfucker.
I busted up my ankle real bad last fall after falling off my 80CC Spree. It wasn't broken but a sprang, which I was later told that that is worse than being broken. That set me back about 4 months. It still isn't entirely the same. Smashed my knee up a long time ago playing hockey. Both of these injuries are going to come back to haunt me later in life. When you get older, you start to feel those areas from the days of your youth. :cool: