What's the difference between sand and menstrual blood?

You can't gargle sand!



Special Operations FOX-HOUND
It's not impossible.


My Penis Is Dancing!
Ah, I've gargled both. Give sand a chance. It clears out the pipes.

Or, am I confusing "gargling with sand" with "masturbation". Damn it.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
You can't marinade a steak in sand? :dunno:
You can't tell someone to go pound menstrual blood. Unless it is that guy who started a thread about doing it with her at that time of the month. He'd probably try it.

You'd fuck up a lot of good songs too

Enter Menstrual Man

Castles Made of Menstrual

Love Letters In The Menstrual

Fish On The Menstrual (that one actually kinda works)

Every Grain Of Menstrual

and so on...